Is retired (2006) Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture at the University of Pretoria where he obtained Master's and Doctoral degrees, with short, year long, study periods in Italy and France in between. He has travelled widely, mainly in the Middle and Near East and North Africa. His main interests lie in the architecture of Islam, slaves and Free Blacks in the building industry of the Cape, and conservation. He is the author, co-author or editor of 11 books and about 100 articles on history, architecture and education in the local accredited architectural and historical and international architectural journals. He now resides in Gordon's Bay where he writes and runs a small publishing company.
Was a recipient of the Medal of Honour for Architecture by the SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns in 2002.
See also his reminiscence of Strauss BRINK All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon. List of projects With photographs
With notes
Ballito Woonstelle: 1990. Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal - Architect
| Blou Huis: 1988. Kirknesspark, Centurion, Gauteng - Architect
| Darsot Village: 1991. Midrand, Gauteng - Architect
| Health & Racquet Club: 1993. Krugersdorp, Gauteng - Architect
| Huis Kruger: 1993. Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape - Architect
| Huis le Roux: pre 1993. Rooiels, Western Cape - Architect
| Huis Potgieter: 1993. Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape - Architect
| Huis Shaw: 1990. Waterkloof, Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng - Architect
| Huis Skawran: 1935 : n.d.. Brooklyn, Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng - Architect n.d. additions
| Huis Steyn: 1984. Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, Gauteng - Architect
| Mariamman Temple: 1928-1938 : 2011. Marabastad, Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng - Architect Restoration 2011
| Post Office: 1986. KwaMhlanga, Mpumalanga - Architect
| Strandhuis: 1992. Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape - Architect
| Uyshuis: 1988. Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape - Architect
| Wits Technikon: 1986. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Articles by LE ROUX LE ROUX, S. 1985. Still Bay - a case for conservation. Journal of the Institute of South African Archicects. Mar/Apr pp. 35-38
| MARÉ, E., GERNEKE, C. & LE ROUX, S. 1987. Importance of architects' views in architectural history. South African Journal of Culture and Art History. vol. 1 no. 1. March pp. 76-90
| LE ROUX, S., LOUBSER, E., NIEHAUS, R., WOLMARANS, G., OLIVIER, F. & LöTTER, F. 1987. Mosques of the Western Transvaal Platteland - a pilot study. Architecture SA. Mar/Apr pp. 26-29
| LE ROUX, S. 1989. Eenheidsfaktore in die ontwikkeling van moskee-ontwerp. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. vol. 4 November pp. 39-46
| LE ROUX, S. 1989. Sinan en die Ottomaanse moskee. De Arte. vol. 39 April pp. 4-23
| LE ROUX, S. 1990. James Walton: Old Cape farmsteads. Historia. vol. 35 no. 1 pp. 98-100
| LE ROUX, S & FISHER, R. 1991. Of veld and past towns. Planning. 115 pp. 26-31
| LE ROUX, S. & BOTES, N. 1993. Restourasie: Handves en praktyk. Journal of the Institute of South African Architects. May/Jun pp. 22-25
| LE ROUX, S. 1993. Transvaal die goue provinsie. Historia. vol. 38 no. 1 p. 103
| LE ROUX, S. 1994. Islam and conservation: The Juma Masgied as case study. Journal of the Institute of South African Architects. Jul/Aug pp. 4-7
| LE ROUX, S. 1994. Die Transvaalse Moskee - 'n voorsig. Architecture SA. Jul/Aug pp. 14-17
| LE ROUX, S. 1994. 'n Vreemde bekende. Journal of the Institute of South African Architects. Jan/Feb pp.17-21
| LE ROUX, S. 1994. James Walton: Double-storeyed, flat-roofed buildings of the rural Cape. Historia. vol. 39 no. 1 pp. 104-105
| LE ROUX, S & FISHER, R. 1995. Septon Manor - the making of a type. Journal of the Institute of South African Architects. Jul/Aug pp. 27-33
| LE ROUX, S. 1996. J T Kemp: Somersetstraat 73, Graaff-Reinet. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. Vol. 10 nr. 2, November pp.130-131
| LE ROUX, S. 1996. Presedente vir die Kaapse Moskee II: oorsprong vir die gebou as historiese teks. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol. 10 nr. 2, November pp.18-34
| LE ROUX, S. 1996. Presedente vir die Kaapse Moskee I: agtergrond vir die gebou as teks. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol. 10 nr. 1, Mei pp. 44-59
| FISHER, R & LE ROUX, S. 1996. Einiqualand & Griqualand - Northern Cape in the region of the Orange : the 29th parallel. Architecture SA. Vol 148 Issue 30, Jul/Aug pp. 15-35
| LE ROUX, S. 1997. Presedente vir die Kaapse Moskee IV: 'n bespreking van die gebou as teks. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. vol. 11 nr. 2, November pp. 30-46
| LE ROUX, S. 1997. Presedente vir die Kaapse Moskee III: die gebou as historiese bron. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. vol. 11 nr. 1, Mei pp. 27-47
| FISHER, RC & LE ROUX, S. 1997. Dateline to the 'Crescent of Capricorn'. Journal of the Institute of SA Architects. Sept/Oct pp. 19-37
| LE ROUX, S. 1998. Cloete Breytenbach. The Spirit of District Six. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol. 12 nr. 2, November pp.127-128
| LE ROUX, S. 1998. What, No theme?. Journal of the South African Institute of Architects. June pp.43-48
| LE ROUX, S. 2000. Vryknegte in die Kaapse Boubedryf. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol. 14 no. 2 pp. 64-82
| LE ROUX, S. 2002. The Cape letters of Lady Duff-Gordon. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol 16 no. 2 pp. 25-45
| BAKKER, K.A., LE ROUX, S.W. & YOUNG, G.A. 2003. Urban design education as integral to 'real-time' urban revitalization processes: Salvokop, Pretoria. Urban Design International. vol. 8 pp. 161-178
| BAKKER, K. & LE ROUX, S. 2004. Origin and nature of the Malaysian shophouse: the persistence of type. South African Journal of Art History. vol. 19 no. 1 pp. 1-13
| LE ROUX, Schalk & DU TOIT, Devilliers. 2004. Centre Court. Architectural Review. vol. 116 no. 1293 pp. 64-69
| RAATH, H. & LE ROUX, S. 2004. Ikonografie van die dakhuis-en-boommotief in Joachim Patenier se Landskap met St. Christophorus en Pieter Breugel se Desidia. De Arte. vol. 69 pp. 62-76
| LE ROUX, S. & BREEDLOVE, G. 2004. Die Tuin wat Pierneef gemaak het. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. vol. 18 nr. 1, Junie pp.10-33
| LE ROUX, Schalk & BAKKER, Karel. 2005. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: 25 years on. South African Journal of Art History. vol. 20 no. 1 pp. 105-115
| LE ROUX, S. 2005. Om argitektuur te skryf. Acta Structilia. vol. 12 no. 2 pp. 139-154
| LE ROUX, Schalk & DU TOIT, Devilliers. 2005. Beyond Petroleum?. Architectural Review. vol. 118 no. 1301 pp. 60-63
| LE ROUX, Schalk. 2005. The Aga Khan Awards, 2004. Journal of the South African Institute of Architects. May/June pp. 42-43
| LE ROUX, S & BOTES, N. 2005. The Faculty of Law Building. Architecture South Africa pp. 36-39
| GROBLER, Anika & LE ROUX, Schalk. 2006. Criteria for spatial definition: architectural and urban interiors of the Constitutional Court. South African Journal of Art History. vol. 21 no. 1 pp. 47-69
| LE ROUX, Schalk. 2006. Design in tuition. Innovate. vol. 1 no. 1, May pp. 98-99
| LE ROUX, Schalk. 2007. The first mosque: Caledon street, Uitenhage. South African Journal of Cultural History. vol. 21 no. 1 pp. 34-56
| LE ROUX, Schalk & BOTES, Nico. 2007. Number, point and space: The Islamic tradition. De Arte no. 75 pp. 58-63
| LE ROUX, Schalk. 2007. Church to Mosque: A short account of the recycling of the Pretoria West Dutch reformed Church. South African Journal of Art History. vol. 22 no. 2 pp. 97-113
| LE ROUX, Schalk. 2008. Die soeke na ’n planvorm vir Afrikaanse Gereformeerde kerkbou. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. vol. 22 no. 2. Nov pp. 20-44
| FERREIRA, OJO & Le ROUX, Schalk. 2008. Fortaleza de São Sebastião en die Kasteel de Goede Hoop: ‘n historiese en vergelykende studie. South African Journal of Art History. Vol. 1 no. 1 60-81
| LE ROUX, Schalk & FERREIRA, O.J.O. 2008. Camoes in Afrikaans: vertaling van die gedeelte uit Os Lusíadas wat oor die suidpunt van Afrika handel. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. vol. 48 no. 1 pp. 95-110
| BOTES, N & LE ROUX, SW. 2011. Uitbeeldings van die melkstoeltjie in kinderlektuur en politieke spotprente. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. 25(2) pp. 1-20
Books by LE ROUX Fisher, RC & Le Roux, SW (Compilers). 1989. Die Afrikaanse woning. Herdrukke uit die Boerevrou 1919-1931. Hammanskraal: Unibook
| Le Roux, SW. 1990. Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 1. Pretoria: Pretoria Argitektuurvereniging
| Le Roux, SW. 1991. Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 2. Pretoria: Stadsraad van Pretoria
| Fisher, RC, Le Roux, SW & Maré, E (Eds). 1998. Architecture of the Transvaal. Pretoria: UNISA
| Le Roux, SW. 1998. Terugtog. Pretoria: Adamastor
| Le Roux, SW & Botes, N (Eds.). 2000. Geloof in Suid-Afrika – ‘n Kultuurhistoriese
beskouing. Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 18de Jaarlikse Kongres. Pretoria:
| Le Roux, SW & De Villiers, A. 2003. Nine Landscapes / Nege Landskappe. Pretoria: Departement Argitektuur
| Le Roux, SW. 2007. Van La Concorde na Op-de-Tradouw. Gordonsbaai & Jeffreysbaai: Adamastor
| Ferreira, OJO & Le Roux, SW. 2009. Sagres & Suiderkruis. Gordonsbaai & Jeffreysbaai: Adamastor
| Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC (Eds.). 2010. Festschrift in honour of O.J.O. Ferreira. Gordon's Bay: Adamastor
| Ferreira, OJO & le Roux, Schalk W. 2014. Goa, die Portugese hoofsetel van die Estado da India, 1510-1961. Knysna: Tormentosa
Books citing LE ROUX Bakker, Karel A, Clarke, Nicholas J. 2014. Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp 1
Entries in books by LE ROUX Le Roux, Schalk. The Transvaal Mosque: Towards a Theory of Precedent. In Architecture of the Transvaal. 1998. UNISA
| Le Roux, Schalk. Faculty of Law Building. In 10 years + 100 buildings : Architecture in a Democratic South Africa. 2009. Bell-Roberts Publishing