Search by authorSearch by title | | Book ListThis is a list of books about, or by practitioners involved with, the Southern African Built Environment
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| Select the first initial of the Author's surname. Don’t be confused if the list of authors does not start with the letter you chose one of the authors of the book will have that letter starting their surname. | |  | Fagan, G 2005 Twenty Cape Houses Cape Town Breestraat Publikasies
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1975 Church Street in the Land of Waveren Cape Town Tulbagh Restoration Committee
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1977 Boschendal renascent : a history of Boschendal South Africa
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 2008 Brakdak : platdakke in die Karoo Cape Town Breestraat Publikasies
| |  | Fagan, Gwen 1988 Roses at the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Breestraat
| |  | Fagan, Gwen 1995 An introduction to the man-made landscape at the Cape from the 17th to the 19th centuries Cape Town Unpublished PhD University of Cape Town
| |  | Fagan, Gwen 1999 Nauti se Gwendoline Cape Town Breestraat Publications
| |  | Fagan, Gwen 2015 Nauti's Gwendoline Cape Town Breestraat Publications
| |  | Fagan, Gwen 2016 1st edition Gwendoline's Gawie Cape Town Breestraat Publikasies
| |  | Fairbridge, Dorothea 1922 Historic houses of South Africa London Oxford University Press
| |  | Fairbridge, Dorothea 1924 Gardens of South Africa : with some chapters on practical gardening under South African conditions and some notes on the cultivation of South African wild flowers Cape Town Maskew Millar
| |  | Fairbridge, Dorothea 1931 Historic Farms of South Africa : The wool, the wheat, and the wine of the 17th and 18th centuries. London Oxford University Press
| |  | Fehr, William 1955 The Old Town House - Its Place in the History of Cape Town Cape Town Board of Trustees of the Michaelis Collection and the Council of the City of Cape Town
| |  | Fehr, William 1965 Rust en Vreugd : A Pictorial Narative : 'n Verhaal in Prente Cape Town William Fehr Collection
| |  | Feldberg, Leon (Ed) 1968 South African Jewry : A Survey of the Jewish Community; Its Contribution to South Africa; Directory of Communal Institutions; and a Who's Who of Leading Personalities Johannesburg Fielding Publishing
| |  | Felix, Johan H n.d. 24 Modern Homes Brakpan Sheffreel House
| |  | Felix, Johan H n.d. Weekend Houses Brakpan Sheffreel House
| |  | Ferreira, OJO & Le Roux, SW 2009 Sagres & Suiderkruis Gordonsbaai & Jeffreysbaai Adamastor
| |  | Ferreira, OJO & le Roux, Schalk W 2014 Goa, die Portugese hoofsetel van die Estado da India, 1510-1961 Knysna Tormentosa
| |  | Ferreira, OJO (Editor and Annotator) 1977 Krijgsgevangenschap van L. C. Ruijssenaers 1899-1902 Pretoria Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing
| |  | Finch, JR (Compiler) 1911 The Cape of Good Hope being the official handbook of the City of Capetown Cape Town Corporation of the City of Capetown in conjunction with the Publicity Department of ithe South African Railways
| |  | Fish, James W 1924 Robben Island - the home of the leper. An account of thirty four years' gospel work amongst lepers of South Africa
John Ritchie
| |  | Fisher, RC & Le Roux, SW (Compilers) 1989 Die Afrikaanse woning. Herdrukke uit die Boerevrou 1919-1931 Hammanskraal Unibook
| |  | Fisher, RC & Gaylard, FB Illustrator 1992 Visual Lexicon of the South African Dwelling - Visuele Leksikon van die Suid-Afrikaanse Woning Cape Town Unibook
| |  | Fisher, RC; Le Roux, SW & Maré, E (Eds) 1998 Architecture of the Transvaal Pretoria UNISA
| |  | Fisher, RC & Botes, N 2000 Conservation Policy for Mhlamba Ndlophu Pretoria Unpublished report for DPW & SAHRA
| |  | Fisher, Roger & Clarke, Nicholas 2014 Architectural Guide : South Africa Berlin DOM Publishers
| |  | Fitchett, Rowallan Hugh 1997 Early architecture at the Cape under the VOC, 1652-1710 : the characteristics and influence of the proto-Cape Dutch period (3 Vols.) Johannesburg University of the Witwatersrand (Unpublished DSc Thesis)
| |  | Fleischer, Dolores & Caccia, Angela 1983 Merchant Pioneers: the house of Mosenthal Johannesburg Jonathan Ball
| |  | Fleischer, Max 1968 Welkom: Capital of the Orange Free State Goldfields / Hoofstad van die Oranje-Vrystaat Goudveld Johannesburg Felstar Publishers
| |  | Fletcher, Jill 1994 The Story of South African theatre 1780-1930 Cape Town Vlaeberg
| |  | Flint, Ivan R 2024 The LABYRINTH at St GEORGE’s CATHEDRAL
| |  | Forjaz, José 2000 Building culture : Construir cultura Glenwood Archicad Solution Centre
| |  | Fox, Revel; Fox, Justin & Kotze, Paul 1998 Revel Fox : reflections on the making of space Cape Town Rustica Press
| |  | Fransen, Hans & Cook, Mary Alexander 1965 The old houses of the Cape : a survey of the existing buildings in the traditional style of architecture of the Dutch-settled regions of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1969 Architectural beauty of the old Cape as seen by Arthur Elliott : photographs of houses and farmsteads now largely demolished or ruined, taken at the beginning of the twentieth century Cape Town Balkema
| |  | Fransen, Hans & Stellenbosch Museum 1970 Die Kaapse stoel : The Cape chair Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Museum
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1972 Groot Constantia : its history and a description of its architecture and collection Cape Town SA Cultural Museum
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1978 Guide to the Museums of Southern Africa Cape Town Galvin & Sales (Pty) Ltd, for the Southern African Museums Association
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1981 Drie eeue kuns in Suid-Afrika : beeldende kuns, boukuns, toegepaste kuns Pietermaritzburg Anreith
| |  | Fransen, Hans & Cook, Mary Alexander 1981 The Old Buildings of the Cape Cape Town Balkema
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1982 Three centuries of South African art : fine art, architecture, applied arts Johannesburg AD Donker
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1987 Classicism, baroque, rococo and neoclassicism at the Cape : an investigation into stylistic modes in the architecture and applied arts at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1820 Pietermaritzburg Unpublished PhD Thesis : University of Natal
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1993 A Cape camera : the architectural beauty of the old Cape : photographs from the Arthur Elliott Collection in the Cape Archives Johannesburg Ad. Donker
| |  | Fransen, Hans 1997 Michaelis collection : the Old town house, Cape Town : catalogue of the collection of paintings and drawings Zwolle Waanders uitg., cop.
| |  | Fransen, Hans 2000 A Cape camera : the architectural beauty of the old Cape : photographs from the Arthur Elliott Collection in the Cape Archives Johannesburg Ad. Donker Publisher and Jonathan Ball Publishers
| |  | Fransen, Hans 2004 The old buildings of the Cape. A survey of extant architecture from before c1910 in the area of Cape Town - Calvinia - Colesberg - Uitenhage Johannesburg & Cape Town Jonathan Ball Publishers
| |  | Fransen, Hans 2006 Old towns and villages of the Cape. A survey of the origin and development of towns, villages and hamlets at the Cape of Good Hope. With particular reference to their physical planning and historical landscape Johannesburg & Cape Town Jonathan Ball
| |  | Fransen, Hans & Simon van der Stel Foundation 2006 The new amidst the old : building in the Klein Karoo : some thoughts about new architecture in the historically sensitive areas of the Klein Karoo Oudtshoorn Simon van der Stel Foundation
| |  | Fransen, Hans; Laubscher, Erik & Stellenbosch Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery 2009 Erik Laubscher : A Life in Art Stellenbosch SMAC Art Gallery
| |  | Fransen, Hans 2014 Cape Baroque and the contribution of Anton Anreith Stellenbosch SUN Media (imprint RAP)
| |  | Fraser, Maryna 1981 The story of two Cape farms Johannesburg Barlow Rand
| |  | Fraser, Michael & McMahon, Liz (Illustrator) 1994 Between two shores : flora and fauna of the Cape of Good Hope Cape Town David Philip
| |  | Fredman, R 1964 Structural concrete in South Africa: Some Observations on the Development of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete from the Time of Van Riebeeck to the Present Day Johannesburg South African Reinforced Concrete Engineers Association
| |  | Frescura, Franco 1981 Rural shelter in South Africa : a survey of the architecture, house forms, and constructional methods of the black rural peoples of southern Africa Johannesburg Ravan Press
| |  | Frescura, Franco 1989 From brakdak to bafokona Port Elizabeth Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Frescura, Franco 1989 From San to Sandton : A pictorial survey of South African wall graphics through the ages Port Elizabeth Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Frescura, Franco 1994 King William's Town : conservation impact study Port Elizabeth Environmental Development Unit
| |  | Frescura, Franco & Myeza, Joyce 2017 First edition Illustrated glossary of southern African architectural terms; English-isiZulu Pietermaritzburg UKZN Press
| |  | Friends of Rondebosch Common; Dwight, Betty (illustrator) 2008 Rondebosch Common Cape Town Friends of Rondebosch Common
| |  | Friis, Jens 2018 Philippolis : Die oudste nedersetting in die Vrystaat Philippolis Self-published
|  | Aupiais, Les & Fraser, Craig 2008 Thesen Islands : rise with the sun, fish with the tides and rest with the moon Cape Town Quivertree Publications
| |  | Botha, Christo S & Fransen, Hans 1979 Discover historical Stellenbosch Cape Town HAUM
| |  | Botha, Christo S & Fransen, Hans 1979 Ontdek historiese Stellenbosch Pretoria HAUM
| |  | Clarke, Nicholas J; Fisher, Roger C & Simelane, Siphiwe 2016 First edition NZASM-footsteps along the tracks : the identified extant built residue of the Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij (1887-1902) Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Clarke, Nicholas J; Fisher, Roger C & Kuipers, Marieke C 2021 Common Ground : Dutch-South African Architectural Exchanges 1902-1961 The Netherlands LM Publishers
| |  | Cloete, Nini Bairnsfather & Fraser, Craig 2016 First edition Remarkable heritage houses of South Africa Rondebosch Quivertree Publications
| |  | Erasmus, F; Fisher, RC & Le Roux, SW 2000 Ermelo, Mpumalanga Ermelo Town Council Ermelo
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1975 Church Street in the Land of Waveren Cape Town Tulbagh Restoration Committee
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1977 Boschendal renascent : a history of Boschendal South Africa
| |  | Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 2008 Brakdak : platdakke in die Karoo Cape Town Breestraat Publikasies
| |  | Fox, Revel; Fox, Justin & Kotze, Paul 1998 Revel Fox : reflections on the making of space Cape Town Rustica Press
| |  | Grant, George & Flynn, Taffy 1992 Watershed town : the history of the Johannesburg City Engineer's Department Johannesburg Johannesburg City Council
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC 1988 Heidelberg Transvaal Bewaringsverslag Pretoria Departement Argitektuur
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC 1991 Botshabelo, 'n Dokumentasie van die Motse en ander kleiner huise Pretoria Department of Architecture
| |  | Le Roux, SW; Fisher, RC & Botes, N 2001 Conservation policy Botshabelo Johannesburg SAHRA
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC (Eds.) 2010 Festschrift in honour of O.J.O. Ferreira Gordon's Bay Adamastor
| |  | Radford, D & Frescura, F 1982 The Early Development of Johannesburg - Monograph Johannesburg The South African Institute of Race Relations
| |  | Swanevelder, Dirk & Fisher, RC 2009 Clivia - Nature and Nurture Pretoria BRIZA
| |  | Thomas, Mark & Fagan, Henry 2014 The Boomslang : Kirstenbosch Centenary Tree Canopy Walkway Cape Town
| |  | Van der Waal-Braaksma, G & Fereirra, OJO 1986 Die Noordweste. Die stoflike kultuuruitinge van die streek se bewoners Johannesburg Genootskap vir Afrikaanse Volkskunde
|  | Bakker, Karel A; Clarke, Nicholas J & Fisher, Roger C 2014 Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa Pretoria Visual Books
| |  | Hefer, Willem J; Du Toit, CJ; Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1976 Drakenstein : a valley with a place in history South Africa Rhodes Fruit Farms Ltd.?
| |  | Lange, Mary E; Müller Jansen, Liana; Fisher, Roger C; Tomaselli, Keyan G & Morris, David 2013 Engraved Landscape : Biesje Poort : Many Voices Gordons Bay Jeffreys Bay Tormentoso
| |  | Marincowitz, Helena; Barrella, Lydia & Fransie Pienaar Museum 2000 The old gables of Prince Albert and in the district Prince Albert Fransie Pienaar Museum
| |  | van Niekerk, Garreth; Young, Elsa - photographs & Fourie, Heidi - artworks 2024 Veld : THE GARDENS AND LANDSCAPES OF PATRICK WATSON Cape Town Struik Nature
|  | Hefer, Willem J; Du Toit, CJ; Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1976 Drakenstein : a valley with a place in history South Africa Rhodes Fruit Farms Ltd.?