Search by authorSearch by title | | Book ListThis is a list of books about, or by practitioners involved with, the Southern African Built Environment
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| Select the first initial of the Author's surname. Don’t be confused if the list of authors does not start with the letter you chose one of the authors of the book will have that letter starting their surname. | |  | Laband, John & Haswell, Robert F (Eds) 1988 Pietermaritzburg : 1838-1988 : A new portrait of an African city Pietermaritzburg University of Natal Press : Shuter & Shooter
| |  | Labuschagne, Elize 1981 The old Raadsaal, Church Square, Pretoria Pretoria Transvaal Provincial Museum Services
| |  | Laidler, Percy Ward 1939 Arthur Elliott : a sentimental appreciation not identified not identified
| |  | Laidler, Percy Ward (Illustrated by H.H. McWilliams) 1952 Revised edition Tavern of the ocean, A : being a social and historical sketch of Cape Town from its earliest days Cape Town Maskew Miller
| |  | Laidler, P[ercy] W[ard] [1933] First edition Tavern of the ocean, A : Being a social and historical sketch of Cape Town from its earliest days. Cape Town Maskew Miller
| |  | Lange, Mary E; Müller Jansen, Liana; Fisher, Roger C; Tomaselli, Keyan G & Morris, David 2013 Engraved Landscape : Biesje Poort : Many Voices Gordons Bay Jeffreys Bay Tormentoso
| |  | Langham-Carter, RR 1977 Old St George's: The story of Cape Town's first cathedral Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Langham-Carter, RR 1979 Nineteenth century architects etc. in the Western Cape Cape Town Unpublished MS, UCT Library
| |  | Langham-Carter, RR 1986 Among the Vineyards: the story of Christ Church, Constantia Cape Town Langham-Carter, RR
| |  | Langham-Carter, RR 1994 St Andrew’s, Newlands : The first century 1894 – 1994 Cape Town Langham-Carter, RR
| |  | Latilla, Marc; Panchia, Yeshiel photographs & Panchia, Yeshiel photographs 2018 Johannesburg Then and Now Cape Town Struik Travel & Heritage, Century
| |  | Latimer, Dick 1982 The expedition to the rainbow's heart : a story Johannesburg (English) : Cape Town (Afrikaans) Jonathan Ball (English) : Human & Rousseau (Afrikaans)
| |  | Latimer, Dick 2012 Ocean Road
| |  | Latimer, Dick 2013 The Impossible Garden
| |  | Lauber, Pascale 2007 Cape Town, architecture & design Cologne : New York Daab
| |  | Lauferts le Roux, Monika & Mavunganidze, Judith (editors) 2015 First edition Johannesburg Gas Works, The Johannesburg Fourthwall Books
| |  | Law, Beatrice 2007 Papenboom. Cradle of the brewing industry Cape Town Private
| |  | Law, Beatrice 2015 Building the Mother City : Cape Town, 1880-1930 : in the steps of A.B. Reid, master builder and city councillor Cape Town Publisher not identified
| |  | Le Roux, Frieda 2008 Huise wat jou sak pas : 'n Omvattende gids vir bouwerk en restourasie in Suid-Afrika Cape Town Tafelberg in samewerking met Tuis
| |  | Le Roux, Frieda 2008 More home for less money : the complete guide to building and renovating in South Africa Cape Town Tafelberg
| |  | Le Roux, Marius 1979 V.O.C. Kruithuis Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Museum
| |  | Le Roux, Marius 1982 Die Kaapse Kopersmid Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Museum
| |  | Le Roux, S 2008 South African Journal of Cultural History
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC 1988 Heidelberg Transvaal Bewaringsverslag Pretoria Departement Argitektuur
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1990 Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 1 Pretoria Pretoria Argitektuurvereniging
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC 1991 Botshabelo, 'n Dokumentasie van die Motse en ander kleiner huise Pretoria Department of Architecture
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1991 Marabastad of die Asiatiese Bazaar : geboue en plekke van belang Pretoria RNG
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1991 Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 2 Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1992 Mariammen Tempel, Marabastad: Restourasiestudie Pretoria RNG
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1992 Vormgewende invloede op die ontwikkeling van moskee-argitektuur binne die Heilige Sirkel aan die Kaap tot 1950
Pretoria PhD-verhandeling: Universiteit van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1993 Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstad Arcadia Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Botes, N 1993 Plekke en geboue van Pretoria Volume 3 Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1994 Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstad Colbyn Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1994 Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstede Craigielea, Fairview, Eastclyffe, Kilberry, Eastwood & Lisdogan Park Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1996 Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstad Hillcrest Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1996 Omgewingskwaliteit van die voorstad Sunnyside/Clydesdale Pretoria Stadsraad van Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW 1998 Terugtog Pretoria Adamastor
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Botes, N (Eds.) 2000 Geloof in Suid-Afrika – ‘n Kultuurhistoriese
beskouing. Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 18de Jaarlikse Kongres Pretoria
| |  | Le Roux, SW; Fisher, RC & Botes, N 2001 Conservation policy Botshabelo Johannesburg SAHRA
| |  | Le Roux, SW & De Villiers, A 2003 Nine Landscapes / Nege Landskappe Pretoria Departement Argitektuur
| |  | Le Roux, SW 2007 Van La Concorde na Op-de-Tradouw Gordonsbaai & Jeffreysbaai Adamastor
| |  | Le Roux, SW & Fisher, RC (Eds.) 2010 Festschrift in honour of O.J.O. Ferreira Gordon's Bay Adamastor
| |  | Le Roux, WJ (Editor) 1970 Groote Schuur ; Woning van Suid-Afrika se Eerste Minister / Residence of South Africa's Prime Minister Pretoria Department of Information
| |  | Lee, Albert William 1930 Charles Johnson of Zululand London Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
| |  | Leeb du Toit, JC 1984 Beuron and Mariannhill Pietermaritzburg Unpublished MA diss. University of Natal
| |  | Lempp, Ferdinand 1957 Windhoek : 40 Photos Windhoek Afrika-Verlag Der Kreis
| |  | Lewcock, Ronald 1963 Early Nineteenth Century Architecture in South Africa : a study of the interaction of two cultures, 1795-1837 Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Lewcock, Ronald; Prof Serjeant, RB & ed. Kirkman, James 1976 City of San'a' : Nomad and city exhibition : Museum of Mankind, Department of Ethnography of the British Museum, World of Islam Festival 1976 London World of Islam Festival Pub. Co.
| |  | Lewcock, Ronald 1978 Traditional architecture in Kuwait and the northern Gulf London Art and Archaeology Research Papers
| |  | Lewcock, Ronald 1986 The old walled city of San'a' Paris Unesco
| |  | Lewcock, Ronald 1986 Wadi Hadramawt and the Walled City of Shibam Paris Unesco
| |  | Lewis, Cecil and Edwards, GE 1934 (1927) Cape Town : Treasures of the Mother City of South Africa (Revised Edition) Cape Town Speciality Press of SA
| |  | Liebenberg 1988 ? On foot through old Bloemfontein Unknown Unknown
| |  | Lighton, Conrad 1956 Arthur Elliott : a memoir of the man and the story of his photographic collection Cape Town Balkema
| |  | Linder, A 2000 The Swiss Regiment Meuron at the Cape and afterwards, 1781-1816 Cape Town Castle Military Museum
| |  | Linder, Adolphe 1997 The Swiss at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1971 Basel Basel Afrika Bibliographien
| |  | Lipman, Alan Robert 2003 Architecture on my mind : critical readings in design Pretoria Unisa Press
| |  | Lipman, Alan Robert 2009 On the outside looking in : colliding with apartheid and other authorities Johannesburg Architect Africa Publications
| |  | Lloyds Greater Britain Publishing 1906 Twentieth century impressions of Natal : its people, commerce, industries, and resources Durban Lloyds Greater Britain Publishing
| |  | Logie, Bartle & Harradine, Margaret (Compilers) 2014 Gazetteer of the Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage Divisions of the old Cape Colony Port Elizabeth Historical Society of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Longland 1979 Longland's Pretoria Directory for 1899 (Reprint No. 85) Pretoria The State Library
| |  | Lorimer, Eleanor K 1971 Panorama of Port Elizabeth Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Louw, Juliet Marais 1976 First edition Wagon-tracks and orchards : early days in Sandton Johannesburg Ad. Donker
| |  | Low, Iain; Smuts, Carin & Architects Support Group for South Africa 1997 A new school of architecture in South Africa? : a study launched by Architects Support Group for South Africa, ASGSA-UK Johannesburg Daedalus Press
| |  | Luckhoff, Carl August in collaboration with Gohl, Colin and Versveld, Martin 1951 Table Mountain : our national heritage after three hundred years Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Luyt, Aletta Barendina (Berdine) 2015 Luyt’s Marine: a diary of the years 1942-1947 Hermanus Hermanus History Society
| |  | Lynsky, Rory 1992 They built a city : Durban City Engineer's Department, 1882-1992 Durban Concept Communications
|  | Barry, Margaret & Law, Nimmo 1985 Magnates and Mansions - Johannesburg 1886-1914 Johannesburg Lowry Publishers
| |  | Callinicos, Luli & Lewin, Hugh 2012 Who built Jozi? : discovering memory at Wits Junction Johannesburg Wits University Press
| |  | Dolan, David & Lewis, Christine 2004 The Fairbridge Chapel : Sir Herbert Baker's Labour of Love Perth API Network
| |  | Du Plessis, Izak David & Lückhoff, Carl August 1953 The Malay Quarter and its people Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Ferreira, OJO & Le Roux, SW 2009 Sagres & Suiderkruis Gordonsbaai & Jeffreysbaai Adamastor
| |  | Ferreira, OJO & le Roux, Schalk W 2014 Goa, die Portugese hoofsetel van die Estado da India, 1510-1961 Knysna Tormentosa
| |  | Fisher, RC & Le Roux, SW (Compilers) 1989 Die Afrikaanse woning. Herdrukke uit die Boerevrou 1919-1931 Hammanskraal Unibook
| |  | Fisher, RC; Le Roux, SW & Maré, E (Eds) 1998 Architecture of the Transvaal Pretoria UNISA
| |  | Fransen, Hans; Laubscher, Erik & Stellenbosch Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery 2009 Erik Laubscher : A Life in Art Stellenbosch SMAC Art Gallery
| |  | Gordon, Ruth & Louwrens, Mat 1984 Victorian Pietermaritzburg Springfield Village Publishers
| |  | McLachlan, GR; Liversidge, R & Lighton, Norman CK 1963 Revised Edition 4th Impression edition Roberts birds of South Africa Cape Town The Trustees of the South African Bird Book Fund distributed by the Central News Agency
| |  | Nienaber, PJ & Le Roux, CJP 1983 Eerste edition Monumente en gedenktekens van die Oranje-Vrystaat Roodepoort CUM-Boeke
| |  | Papanicolaou, Stella; Lahabe, Valerie & Rawoot, Maashitoh 2021 Modern Architectures : Cape Town Cape Town MAGS
| |  | Reynolds, Rex and Reynolds, Barbara & Lewcock, Ronald [Foreword] 1974 Grahamstown from cottage to villa Claremont David Philip
| |  | Roberts, Austin & Lighton, Norman C K 1953 1st Edition 9th Impression edition The birds of South Africa London Published for the trustees of the South African bird book fund [by] H.F. & G. Witherby
| |  | Serjeant, RB & Lewcock, Ronald 1983 San'a' : an Arabian Islamic city London World of Islam Festival Trust - Scorpion Press
|  | Erasmus, F; Fisher, RC & Le Roux, SW 2000 Ermelo, Mpumalanga Ermelo Town Council Ermelo
| |  | Japha, Derek; Japha, Vivienne; Le Grange, Lucien & Todeschini, Fabio 1993 Mission Settlements in South Africa Cape Town University of Cape Town
| |  | McLachlan, GR; Liversidge, R & Lighton, Norman CK 1963 Revised Edition 4th Impression edition Roberts birds of South Africa Cape Town The Trustees of the South African Bird Book Fund distributed by the Central News Agency
| |  | Silverman, Melinda; Manoim, Irwin; Ludman, Barbara & University of the Witwatersrand 2007 Harrismith, Intabazwe : urban change in a small South African town Johannesburg University of the Witwatersrand