Search by authorSearch by title | | Book ListThis is a list of books about, or by practitioners involved with, the Southern African Built Environment
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| Select the first initial of the Author's surname. Don’t be confused if the list of authors does not start with the letter you chose one of the authors of the book will have that letter starting their surname. | |  | Hallé, Gustave GR 1933 Mayfair to Maritzburg : reminiscences of eighty years London John Murray
| |  | Hanekom, TN 1950 Die gemeente Namakwaland : 'n Eeufees-gedenkboek (1850-1950) Woodstock NG Kerkraad Namakwaland
| |  | Hansen, Friedel 2018 Nostalgiese Pretoria: ‘n Fotoreis / Nostalgic Pretoria: A Photo Journey Pretoria Friedel Hansen
| |  | Harber, Rodney 2023 Shepstone at Half a Century Durban Digniti Publishers
| |  | Harmsen, Frieda 1980 The women of Bonnefoi : the story of the Everard Group Pretoria J.L. van Schaik
| |  | Harradine, Margaret 1994 Port Elizabeth : a social chronicle to the end of 1945 Port Elizabeth E.H. Walton Packaging (Pty) Ltd
| |  | Harradine, Margaret 2004 Hills covered with cottages : Port Elizabeth's lost streetscapes Port Elizabeth Historical Society
| |  | Harris, CT; Noëth, JG; Sarkady, NG; Schutte, FM & Van Tonder, JM 2010 Van seringboom tot kerkgebou : die argitektoniese erfenis van die Gereformeerde Kerke Krugersdorp Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika
| |  | Harris, Stewart & University of Cape Town. Historical Archaeology Research Group 2000 Architectural history in Cape Town and its hinterland : an annotated bibliography Cape Town Historical Archaeology Research Group, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Cape Town
| |  | Harris, Stewart 2006 Who's where in Cape architecture : a directory of people and places Cape Town Vernacular Architecture Society of South Africa
| |  | Harrison, Philip 2004 South Africa's top sites. Struggle Kenilworth Spearhead
| |  | Harrison, Philip; Gotz, Graeme; Todes, Alison & Wray, Chris 2015 Changing Space, Changing City Johannesburg After Apartheid Johannesburg Wits University Press
| |  | Harrop-Allin, Clinton 1975 Norman Eaton: architect : a study of the work of the South African architect Norman Eaton 1902-1966 Cape Town C. Struik
| |  | Hart, Annie & Hart, Robert 1934 A memoir of the Reverend Alfred George Duthie, M.C. of Belvidere, South Africa and of William Henry Moore Duthie of Belvidere, South Africa : together with a short history of Holy Trinity Church, Belvidere, Knysna, South Africa Oxford Oxford University Press
| |  | Hart, Peter 1999 Claremont, Newlands and Bishopscourt Street Names Cape Town Privately published
| |  | Hartdegen, Paddy 1988 Our building heritage : an illustrated history South Africa Ryll's Pub. Co. on behalf of the National Development Fund for the Building Industry
| |  | Hartdegen, Paddy & Terblanche, Jeannie (compilers) 2007 A century of building in South Africa : Master Builders South Africa Johannesburg Chris van Renbsburg
| |  | Hatfield, Denis 1967 Some South African monuments Cape Town Purnell
| |  | Hattersley, Alan Frederick 1973 An Illustrated social history of South Africa Cape Town AA Balkema
| |  | Hawkins, EB 1982 The Story of Harrismith 1849-1920 Harrismith Harrismith Rotary Club
| |  | Hawthorn, Peter & Bristow, Barry 1993 Historic Schools of South Africa : an ethos of excellence Cape Town Pachyderm Press
| |  | Heap, Peggy 1970 The Story of Hottentots Holland : Social history of Somerset West, The Strand Gordon's Bay and Sir Lowry Pass over three centuries Cape Town Balkema
| |  | Heese, JA 1966 Die kerk in die wolke : Eeufees-gedenkboek Uniondale 1866-1966 Elsiesrivier NG Gemeente Uniondale
| |  | Hefer, Nic F 1971 Transvaal 1961-1971 : the growth and progress of the Transvaal Provincial Administration Johannesburg Voortrekkerpers
| |  | Hefer, Willem J; Du Toit, CJ; Fagan, Gawie & Fagan, Gwen 1976 Drakenstein : a valley with a place in history South Africa Rhodes Fruit Farms Ltd.?
| |  | Helme, Nigel 1974 Thomas Major Cullinan : a biography Johannesburg McGraw-Hill
| |  | Helme, Nigel 1976 IRENE Pretoria Wallach's Printing Co
| |  | Henning, CG 1975 Graaff-Reinet : a cultural history 1786-1886 Cape Town Bulpin
| |  | Henry, JA 1963 Die Eerste Honderd Jaar van die Standard Bank Cape Town Oxford University Press
| |  | Hentrich, Helmut 1970 Standard Bank Centre Johannesburg Johannesburg Standard Bank Investment Corporation Limited
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1959 The Synthetic Vision of Walter Gropius Johannesburg Witwatersrand University Press
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1968 Martienssen and the international style : a case study in the dissemination of the modern movement in architecture Cape Town Unpublished PhD Thesis : University of South Africa
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1975 Martienssen & the international style: The modern movement in South African architecture Cape Town - Rotterdam AA Balkema
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1978 Pioneers of Prefabrication: the British Contribution in the Nineteenth Century Baltimore and London Johns Hopkins University Press
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1984 The Dream of the Factory-Made House: Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert & Sosnovsky, Silvina 1993 Bauhaus-on-the-Carmel and the Crossroads of Empire Jerusalem Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert & Heinze-Greenberg, Ita 1996 The Beginnings of Modern Architecture in Israel: the First Power Stations, 1921-1932 Haifa Architectural Heritage Research Centre, (in association with the Israel Electric Corporation)
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert 1997 The Search for Synthesis: Selected Writings on Architecture and Planning Haifa Architectural Heritage Research Centre
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert; Heinze-Greenberg, Ita & Sosnovsky, Silvina 2003 In Search of Excellence: the Architecture and Building Projects of the Electric Industry in the Land of Israel, 1921-1942 Haifa the Architectural Heritage Research Centre (in association with the Israel Electric Corporation)
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert & Richter, Liliane 2008 Through a Clouded Glass: Mendelsohn, Wijdeveld and the Jewish Connection Tübingen-Berlin Wasmuth Verlag
| |  | Herholdt, AD 1988 Uitenhage : a case study of small town colonial architecture Port Elizabeth M Arch. University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Herholdt, AD in association with Nesbit, GHH & Steenkamp, HE 1994 Eight beautiful Gothic revival churches of Port Elizabeth Port Elizabeth Ad Hoc Publishers
| |  | Herholdt, AD 2002 Wellington conservation impact study Port Elizabeth Dept. of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Herholdt, AD (Editor) 2013 Coastal Contemporary : Architecture of Nelson Mandela Bay : 2000 - 2013 Port Elizabeth DOT Matrix Publications
| |  | Herholdt, Albrecht (Editor) 2014 Architectural Conservation in South Africa since 1994 : 100+ Projects Port Elizabeth DOT Matrix Publications
| |  | Hermer, Manfred 1978 The Passing of Pageview Johannesburg Ravan Press
| |  | Hes, Dominique & Du Plessis, Chrisna 2015 Designing for hope : pathways to regenerative sustainability Abingdon, Oxon ; New York Routledge
| |  | Hewitt, EO 1945 A bibliography of architecture in South Africa in which is included a selection of books on South African furniture, housing, practical construction and building materials, and town planning Cape Town University of Cape Town
| |  | Heydenrych, Heinie & Swiegers, Abrie 1999 Discover Pretoria Pretoria JL van Schaik
| |  | Heydenrych, Heinie and Martin, Bruno 1992 First edition Natal main line story ; The Pretoria HSRC
| |  | Heymans, Riana 1986 Voortrekkermonument Pretoria Pretoria Beheerraad van die Voortrekkermonument
| |  | Hillebrand, Melanie 1975 Aspects of architecture in Natal, 1880-1914 Pietermaritzburg Unpublished MA. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal
| |  | Hillebrand, Melanie 1986 Art and architecture in Natal, 1910-1940 Pietermaritzburg Unpublished Ph.D. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal
| |  | Hillebrand, Melanie 1991 The women of Olifantsfontein - South African studio ceramics : Die vroue van Olifantsfontein - Suid-Afrikaanse ateljee-keramiek
Pretoria South African National Gallery
| |  | Hiller Medien 2005 Fast forward Johannesburg : New architecture and urban planning in South Africa Berlin Aedes
| |  | Hislop, Jim 2014 Wheatfields & windmills : the old homesteads and farms of Observatory and surrounds : Cape Town Cape Town Unidentified
| |  | Hislop, Jim 2018 Behind the Castle Cape Town Jim Hislop /Cape Town Property Histories
| |  | Hoberman, Gerald 2011 Lighthouses of South Africa : pocket edition Cape Town - London - New York The Gerald & Marc Hoberman Collection
| |  | Hobson, GC & Hobson, SB 1929 Kalahari kaskenades London Longmans, Green
| |  | Hobson, GC ; Hobson, SB & Timlin, William M 1931 Kees van die Kalaharie - with illustrations by W.M. Timlin Pretoria J.L. Van Schaik
| |  | Hockly, Harold Edward 1947 The Story of The British Settlers of 1820 in South Africa Cape Town and Johannesburg Juta & Co. Ltd
| |  | Hoefsloot, Ted (illustrations) & Pama, Cor (text) 1980 Cape Wine Homesteads Johannesburg AD Donker
| |  | Hoevers, Jan 2005 Van Kerke en Dorpe. Historiese vertellinge oor die oudste kerke en dorpe in Suid-Afrika Centurion Publiself Uitgewers
| |  | Hoevers, Jan 2012 Geskiedkundige kerke : 'n Gids tot 50 tradisionele kerke Pretoria Kontak-uitgewers
| |  | Hofmeyer, SM 1993 Carl Otto Hager van Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Museum
| |  | Hofmeyr, Annie 1985 Kleinmond, Toe en Nou Kleinmond Kleinmond Munisipaliteit
| |  | Holleman, Helen; Paterson, Lynette & Black Sash (Society) 2002 Graham's Town : the untold story: a social history and self-guided tour Grahamstown Black Sash
| |  | Holm, Albrecht & Viljoen, Diedré 1993 Mure wat praat : die verhaal van die ou Raadsaal en sy mense Mellville Chris van Rensburg
| |  | Holman, James 1834 A voyage round the world, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc. etc. from 1827 to 1832. Vol. II London Smith, Elder
| |  | Honikman, AH 1966 Cape Town, city of good hope Cape Town Howard Timmins
| |  | Hopkins, HC 1957 JUBILEUM GEDENKBOEK JOUBERTINA Elsiesrivier Joubertina Gemeente
| |  | Hopkins, Owen 2012 Reading Architecture : A Visual Lexicon London Laurence King Publishing
| |  | Hopkins, Ron 2013 Field Guide to the Historical Sites of the Kruger National Park Hoedspruit Ron Hopkins
| |  | Howard, Leslie & Phillips, Keith 2004 Overberg tapestry Helderberg Keith Phillips Images
| |  | HSRC 1968 Dictionary of South African Biography Volume I Cape Town Tafelberg for The Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | HSRC 1972 Dictionary of South African Biography Volume II Pretoria Tafelberg for The Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | HSRC 1977 Dictionary of South African Biography Volume III Pretoria Tafelberg for The Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | HSRC 1981 Dictionary of South African Biography Volume IV Pretoria Butterworth & Co (SA) for Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | HSRC 1987 Dictionary of South African Biography Volume V Pretoria Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | Hughes, Nigel & Methven, Cathcart W 2005 Views in Colonial Natal : a select catalogue raisonné of the Southern African paintings of Cathcart William Methven (1849-1925) Craighall, Johannesburg Mertrade (Proprietary)
| |  | Hussey, Christopher 1950 The life of Sir Edwin Lutyens London : New York Country Life : Scribner's
|  | Gosselink, Martine; Holtrop, Maria; Ross, Robert & Rijks Museum (Editors) 2017 First edition Good Hope : South Africa and the Netherlands from 1600 Amsterdam Rijks Museum ; Nijmegen : Uitgeverij Vantilt
| |  | Hart, Annie & Hart, Robert 1934 A memoir of the Reverend Alfred George Duthie, M.C. of Belvidere, South Africa and of William Henry Moore Duthie of Belvidere, South Africa : together with a short history of Holy Trinity Church, Belvidere, Knysna, South Africa Oxford Oxford University Press
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert & Heinze-Greenberg, Ita 1996 The Beginnings of Modern Architecture in Israel: the First Power Stations, 1921-1932 Haifa Architectural Heritage Research Centre, (in association with the Israel Electric Corporation)
| |  | Herbert, Gilbert; Heinze-Greenberg, Ita & Sosnovsky, Silvina 2003 In Search of Excellence: the Architecture and Building Projects of the Electric Industry in the Land of Israel, 1921-1942 Haifa the Architectural Heritage Research Centre (in association with the Israel Electric Corporation)
| |  | Hobson, GC & Hobson, SB 1929 Kalahari kaskenades London Longmans, Green
| |  | Hobson, GC ; Hobson, SB & Timlin, William M 1931 Kees van die Kalaharie - with illustrations by W.M. Timlin Pretoria J.L. Van Schaik
| |  | Joyce, Peter; Hartdegen, Jacqueline; Hartdegen, Paddy & Szymanowski, Janek 2006 The complete book of home planning in South Africa Cape Town Struik
| |  | Konya, Alan & Henk, Karl Aage 1975 Danish Community Housing London The Architectural Press
| |  | Laband, John & Haswell, Robert F (Eds) 1988 Pietermaritzburg : 1838-1988 : A new portrait of an African city Pietermaritzburg University of Natal Press : Shuter & Shooter
| |  | Logie, Bartle & Harradine, Margaret (Compilers) 2014 Gazetteer of the Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage Divisions of the old Cape Colony Port Elizabeth Historical Society of Port Elizabeth
| |  | Malan, Antonia; Halkett, D J; Hart, Timothy James Graham & Schietecatte, Liesbet 2017 Grave encounters : archaeology of the burial grounds, Green Point, South Africa Cape Town ACO Associates cc
| |  | Martienssen, Heather & Harmsen, Frieda 1973 Art and articles: in honour of Heather Martienssen Cape Town A.A. Balkema
| |  | Redgrave, JJ & Harding, WR 2005 In the shoes of William Bagshaw : a centenary history of Bagshaw Gibaud and Co of Port Elizabeth (1872-1972) : pioneers of the footwear and leather industry in South Africa Helderberg W.R. Harding
| |  | Werth, Albert & Harmsen, Frieda (compilers) 1993 Our Art/Ons Kuns 4 Pretoria Foundation for Education, Science and Technology
|  | Agherdien, Yusuf ; George, Ambrose C & Hendricks, Shaheed (Edited and annotated by du Pré, Roy H) 1997 South End [As We Knew It] Port Elizabeth Western Research Group
| |  | De Jong, RC; Van der Waal, GM & Heydenrych, DH 1988 NZASM 100 : 1887-1899, the buildings, steam engines and structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company Pretoria C. Van Rensburg Publications on behalf of the Human Sciences Research Council
| |  | Joyce, Peter; Hartdegen, Jacqueline; Hartdegen, Paddy & Szymanowski, Janek 2006 The complete book of home planning in South Africa Cape Town Struik
| |  | Malan, Antonia; Halkett, D J; Hart, Timothy James Graham & Schietecatte, Liesbet 2017 Grave encounters : archaeology of the burial grounds, Green Point, South Africa Cape Town ACO Associates cc
| |  | Malan, Jacques; Van Zyl, Petra & Hölscher, Marianne 1992 D Wangemann drawings of two mission journeys to South Africa : Zeichnungen von den beiden Missionsreisen in Südafrika
Pretoria National Cultural History Museum
| |  | Mikula, P; Kearney, B & Harber, R 1982 Traditional Hindu Temples in South Africa Durban Hindu Temple Publications