All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.
2 semi-detached cottages for Sir Hugh Levick: 1933. Wynberg, Western Cape - Architect
Albion Hotel: n.d. : 1899 : 1937. Cape Town, Western Cape - Renovations architect 1937
Alexandra Hotel, reconstruction: 1933. Somerset West, Western Cape - Architect
Barclays Bank - First National Bank Headquarters: 1933. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Supervising Architect
Barclays Bank - now First National Bank: 1936. Cape Town, Western Cape - Project Architect
Botha's Halt Public School, new Building: 1933. Worcester, Western Cape - Architect
Boys' Primary School: 1931. Worcester, Western Cape - Architect
Bromwell Hotel, rebuilt: 1937. Salt River, Western Cape - Architect
Cape Provincial Requisite Stores: 1938. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Cape Times Bldg: 1934. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Cape Times Bldg, add: 1930. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
City Tramway Hotel - City Tramway Bar: n.d. : 1902 : 1931. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect 1902 upgrades
City Tramway Hotel - City Tramway Bar: n.d. : 1902 : 1931. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect 1931 alterations
Cleghorn and Harris Building: 1925. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Club for Overseas Settlement of British Women: 1927. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Cuthbert and Co Building - Westminster House: 1934. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Cuthbert and Co Building, rebuilt: 1934. Stellenbosch, Western Cape - Architect
Cuthberts Building: 1931-1932. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Diocesan College, Brooke Chapel - Brooke Library: 1880 : 1896 : 1926 : 1985. Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect 1926
DM Murray & Co Bldg: 1935. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Flats EL Phillips: 1931. Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Fresh Air Camp at Froggy Pond, Huts for : 1937. Simonstown, Western Cape - Architect
Girls' High School, hostels: 1931. Erinvale, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Gresham Hotel: 1935. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Harp Hotel - Long Street Boutique Hotel: n.d. : 1937. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect 1937
House EE Vines: 1930. Oranjezicht, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
House WF Yeomans: 1930. Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Huguenot Seminary, hostel: 1926. Wellington, Western Cape - Architect
John Dickinson & Co Bldg (Croxley House): 1932. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Junction Hotel, rebuilt: 1928. Salt River, Western Cape - Architect
Kodak Building: 1926. Woodstock, Western Cape - Architect
Langham Hotel - Langham House: n.d. : 1904 : 1928. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Locomotive Hotel: 1937. Salt River, Western Cape - Architect
Lord Nelson Hotel: 1931. Simonstown, Western Cape - Architect
Maskew Miller Bldg: 1926. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Maskew Miller Bldg, proposed: 1926. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Metal Box Factory: 1937. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Motor Showroom for Stuttafords: 1925. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Muizenberg Hotel, rebuilt: 1927. Muizenberg, Western Cape - Architect
North Assurance Co Bldg: 1926. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Northern Assr Co: 1925. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Ohlsson's Bottle Store, Long St: 1926. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Public School: 1936. Lichtenburg, Durbanville, Western Cape - Architect
Public School, Klipdrift: 1936. Heidelberg, Western Cape - Architect
Railway Hotel, rebuilt: 1932. Wynberg, Western Cape - Architect
Red Lion Hotel, reconstructed: 1937. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect *
Retreat Secondary School: 1936. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Rhodes Fruit Farms, packhouse, Groot Constantia: 1931. Constantia, Western Cape - Architect
Royal Standard Hotel: 1935. Mowbray, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Rustenburg Girls' High School, Erinville Hostel: 1930. Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
SA Dried Fruit Co Ltd Bldg, ext: 1930. Wellington, Western Cape - Architect
SA Dye Works: 1927. Woodstock, Western Cape - Architect
SA Turf Club, weighing rooms, etc,: 1927. Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Secondary School: 1934. Bonnievale, Western Cape - Architect
Shakespeare Bar, rebuilt: 1932. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
South British Insurance Co Ltd Bldg: 1930. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Spracklen's Building: 1931. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Stuttaford's Warehouse: 1936. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Stuttafords Stores: 1930. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Sunshine Bakeries: 1931. Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Tauber & Corssen Ltd Bldg: 1937. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Thatched Tavern, Old - Tavern Hotel: n.d. : 1899 : 1937. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect rebuild 1937
United Services Club: 1931. Simonstown, Western Cape - Architect
United Tobacco Co Factory: 1926. Observatory, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
United Tobacco Co, Leaf Store: 1935. Observatory, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Victoria Nurses' Institute: pre-1903 ; 1903: 1933. Gardens, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect 1933 *
W Cuthbert's & Co Ltd Building: 1901 : 1925. East London, Eastern Cape - Architect
Wade and Dorman Bldg: 1926. Woodstock, Western Cape - Architect
West Country Hotel, rebuilt: 1937. Central, Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect
Western Cereal Co Bldg,: 1926. Woodstock, Western Cape - Architect
Western Cereal Co Steel Grain Tank: 1925. Cape Town, Western Cape - Architect