All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.
Everard Read Gallery: 1982. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House Meyer: 1984. Parkview, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Johannesburg Art Gallery Extensions: 1986. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Johannesburg Civic Art Gallery: 1910 : 1987. Joubert Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect 1987
Reserve Bank: 1995. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Ricardo Mülder Public Library: 1995. Edenvale, Gauteng - Architect
Sandton Library and Art Gallery: 1995. Sandton, Gauteng - Architect
Sandton Square: 1996. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Town Hall - Civic Centre: 1907 : 1981-84/86. Krugersdorp, Gauteng - Architect 1981
University of the Witwatersrand, Chamber of Mines Building - Faculty of Engineering: 1986. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Vaal Triangle Technicon Library & Forecourt: 1986. Vereeniging, Gauteng - Architect
Beck, Haig (Editor). 1985. UIA International Architect : Southern Africa (Issue 8). London: International Architect. pp 50-51
Chipkin, Clive M. 2008. Johannesburg Transition - Architecture & Society 1950 - 2000. Johannesburg: STE Publishers. pp 195, 310-311, 320
Fisher, RC, Le Roux, SW. 1998. Architecture of the Transvaal. Pretoria: UNISA. pp 296
Muwanga, Christina. 1998. South Africa : a guide to recent architecture. London : Köln: Ellipsis : Könemann. pp 134-137, 162-165