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Author:Thompson, Michael Charles
Title:Traders and trading stations of the central and southern Transkei

2nd Edition 2012; 3rd Edition 2013
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Buildings linked to this book

Acton Caba Trading Station, n.d., Cathcart, Eastern Cape. pp Front cover ill, 275
Cegcuwana Trading Station, n.d., Butterworth, Eastern Cape. pp 249
Collywobbles Trading Station, Pre 1900, Collywobbles, Eastern Cape. pp 178
Eagles Neck Trading Station, n.d., Magwathini, Eastern Cape. pp 256
Fyfe King Bridge (First) over Bashee River, 1937, Willowvale, Eastern Cape. pp 185-186
Good Hope : Sihlabeni Trading Station, n.d., Butterworth, Eastern Cape. pp 260
Great Kei Drift (Ngqika's Ford) Trading Station, n.d., Ngqika, Eastern Cape. pp 275
Hely Grove (Buwa) Trading Station, n.d., Qunu, Eastern Cape. pp Site 191
Mpozolo Trading station, n.d., Willowvale, Eastern Cape. pp 183-185
Mtentu Trading Station, n.d., Mthatha, Eastern Cape. pp 125
Mvezo Trading Station, n.d., Elliotdale, Eastern Cape. pp 115
Ntsimbakazi Trading Station, n.d., Ebhongweni, Eastern Cape. pp 182
Springs Trading Station, n.d., Butterworth, Eastern Cape. pp 252
Toleni Trading Station, n.d., Ngobozini, Eastern Cape. pp 253