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University of Pretoria, Merensky 2
Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng

TECTURA: Architect
Cornelis Jan Antonie TOLLIG: Contractor



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25°45'18.24" S 28°13'49.78" E Alt: 1389m

Consisting of six levels, this building houses the library and forms a focal point of the University. The original library was initially housed in the Old Arts Building before being relocated to the Old University of Pretoria, Merensky Library. Despite expansions to the Old Merensky Library in 1957, it soon became too small and the firm Louw, Marais, Marquard and Kuhn was appointed in 1969 to design a new library. In this period they changed their corporate name to 'Tectura'. Construction started in November 1971 and in August 1975 the building was completed. In the construction process the southern wing of the Old Chemistry building was demolished. An interesting feature of the library is the spacious feel of the ground oor due to the three-level high ceiling in the central area. The panelled tapestry in the foyer was commissioned in commemoration of the Centenary celebrations of the University in 2008 and was designed and embroidered by rural community members of the KarossTM embroidery initiative in the Limpopo province. Adjacent to the library there is a study centre, designed by SAMUEL PAUW ARCHITECTSin the 1990s that accommodates up to 1 230 students and is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day. UPSpace