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St Alban's Cathedral
Central Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng

BAKER and MASEY: Architect
Edward Wilfrid Nassau MALLOWS: Architect
Leo THÉRON: Artist

Date:1905-1909 : 1958
Type:Anglican Church


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25°44'58.41" S 28°11'23.37" E Alt: 1328m

The plans were done in 1905 with the foundation stone being laid by Lord Selborne in 1908 and the chancel was consecrated by Bishop Carter in 1909. The cathedral was completed in 1958 by the building of the aisleless nave, vestries, cloisters, a hall and diocesan offices to a new design by EWN MALLOWS, the son of BAKER's friend of Art Workers’ Guild days in London.

Books that reference St Alban's Cathedral

Baker, Herbert. 1944. Architecture & personalities. London: Country Life. pg 150
Berman, Esmé. 1983. Art and artists of South Africa: An illustrated biographical dictionary and historical survey of painters, sculptors and graphic artists since 1875. Cape Town : Balkema. pg 454
Greig, Doreen. 1970. Herbert Baker in South Africa. Cape Town: PURNELL. pg 156-64
Swart, Johan & Proust, Alain . 2019. Hidden Pretoria. Cape Town: Struik Lifestyle. pg 196-197