Book |
Author: | Stewart, John |
Year: | 2021 |
Title: | Sir Herbert Baker : architect to the British Empire |
Place: | Jefferson, North Carolina |
Publisher: | McFarland & Company, Inc. |
Offers the first full biography of the eminent British Architect Sir Herbert Baker. Written with the full cooperation of his family and with access to his archive and private papers, it gives an account of his remarkable life and career, which established him as the leading architect to the British Empire. (WorldCat, accessed 2022 08 10) |
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Buildings linked to this bookHouse Baker: Sandhills, 1899, Muizenberg, Western Cape. pp 41, 42, 54, 62, 67, 72, 87, 124 |
People or firms linked to this book
| BAKER, Sir Herbert. pp All |