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List of Projects


Established: 1920


The partnership between Frank EMLEY and Frederick WILLIAMSON from around 1920 in Johannesburg. Emley was joined by Williamson on Emley's winning the competition for the design of the Main Building (or Central Block) for the University of the Witwatersrand, the first building on the new University campus. Emley's health suffered at the time the new Main Building was being designed and Williamson was responsible for much of the work. Nine of Emley and Williamson's buildings, designed mostly in the Edwardian/Beaux Arts neo-classical style, were displayed at the exhibition of Dominion and Colonial architecture held in London in 1926, among 305 South African exhibits. Emley & Williamson were elected by the Witwatersrand Master Builders Association to design the Association's Johannesburg headquarters. Their work was widely illustrated in contemporary periodicals and in subsequent publications as being representative of a particular Johannesburg style. The practice was continued by Williamson after Emley's retirement.

(Greig 1971; Herbert 1975; Musiker 1979; Pearse 1960; Van der Waal 1979; SAAR Dec 1927:91-5)

Submitted an entry for the Competition for the new Prime Minister's Residence - unplaced.

All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

List of projects

With photographs
With notes

Aegis Building - Second: 1934-1936. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Alliance Investment Co Building: 1926. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Annan House: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Anstey's Building - Third: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Beckett's Buildings, alterations: 1931. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Beresford House: 1925-1927 : 1934. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Castle Mansions - Second: 1930. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Chamber of Mines Building - Second: 1921-1923. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Commercial Exchange Bldg: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Davidson's Mansions: 1923-1925. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Flats: 1926. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Flats, Houghton Estate for Afr City Props: 1934. Houghton, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Good Shepherd Home, chapel: 1926. Norwood, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Green's Bldg: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Hellenic Government School: 1928-1931. Malvern, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House AJJ Goldby: 1933. Saxonwold, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House DA Tullis, add: 1933. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House GH Adie: 1923. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House J Tilson Barry: 1926. Dunkeld, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House Langerman: 1927. Lower Houghton, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House N Kreen: 1928. Houghton, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House Palmer - Abegweit - Emlovu: 1919 : 1936. Westcliff, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect 1936
House R Stratford: 1928. Dunkeld, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House RAC Kearns: 1933. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House Schabort: 1927. Parkview, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House W Gemmill: Dhlulimiti: 1924. Parktown, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
House WG Ross: 1925. Houghton, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Lauriston Court: 1936. Orange Grove, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
London House: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
MacKay Invest Trust Building: 1934. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Mackay Mansions: 1930?. Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng - Architect
Manners Mansions: 1939. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Manners Mansions - Second: 1937. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Marlborough House, alt: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Master Builders' Assn Bldg: 1927. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Stanley House for African City Props Trust: 1926. Central, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Tudor Lodge: 1933. Saxonwold, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
TW Beckett's Bldg, alt with H ROWE ROWE: 1931. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
TW Beckett, offices/factory/store, with H ROWE ROWE: 1939. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
Union House: 1928. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, Central Block - Robert Sobukwe Block: 1920. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, Chemistry and Physics block: 1919. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, Chemistry and Physics block: 1924. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, Engineering Building: 1925. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, ext, Engineering block: 1934. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, Main Block - Great Hall: 1920-1925 : 1937-1940. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect
University of the Witwatersrand, William Cullen Library: 1933. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Architect

Books citing EMLEY and WILLIAMSON

Chipkin, Clive M. 1993. Johannesburg Style - Architecture & Society 1880s - 1960s. Cape Town: David Phillip. pp 79, 80, 89, 95, 96, 145, 148, 149

Fisher, RC, Le Roux, SW. 1998. Architecture of the Transvaal. Pretoria: UNISA. pp 90

Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 151