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| | FE KANTHACK and PARTNERSEstablished:
Engineer |
FE KANTHACK and PARTNERS were pioneers in the development of raft foundations and gunite as well as specialists in the building of power stations. With Francis Edgar KANTHACK as founding member, the firm's name is permanently linked with the design of giant concrete cooling towers, but it would seem that nothing was beyond their capability They were responsible for the design of the great Vierendeel truss supporting thirteen floors of superstructure at the Escom skyscraper. And they were responsible, too, for the reinforced-concrete design of the Lewis & Marks skyscraper, where one of the great monuments to reinforced-concrete construction in Johannesburg during the 1930s occurs. This is the helical free-form fire-escape at the rear of the building which, with its magnificent sculptural form, reveals the plastic potential of reinforced concrete as a building material. List of projects With photographs
With notes
Escom House (Van Eck Building): 1937. Central, Johannesburg, Gauteng - Engineer
| Lewis and Marks Building - Second: 1935. Johannesburg, Gauteng - Engineer