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Joubert, 'Ora (Ed). 2009. 10 years + 100 buildings : Architecture in a Democratic South Africa. Cape Town: Bell-Roberts Publishing. pp 226-241
Liebenberg. 1988 ?. On foot through old Bloemfontein. Unknown: Unknown. pp All
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 159-160
Nienaber, PJ & Le Roux, CJP . 1983. Monumente en gedenktekens van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Roodepoort: CUM-Boeke. pp 9
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 203-214
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 124-128
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 170-174
Schoeman, Karel. 1980. Bloemfontein: die ontstaan van 'n stad. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. pp All
Schoeman, Karel . 1987. Bloemfontein in Beeld : Portrait of Bloemfontein 1860-1910. Cape Town/ Pretoria: Human & Rousseau. pp All
Adelaide Tambo Public Library: 1957. 
Albion Hotel (later the Phoenix Hotel): 1878.
Anglican Cathedral of St Andrew and St Michael: 1866 : 1876 : 1885. 
Appeal Court: 1929. 
Arcade Building for Fichardt Estates: 1927.
Arcade Flats: 1933.
Archives - Argief: n.d..
Arthur Nathan Swimming Bath: 1907. 
Barba's Café: 1994. Westdene,
Basotho War Memorial: 1875. 
Block of flats for M Witherow: 1934.
Bloemfontein Bank: 1876.
Bloemfontein Club: 1928.
Bloemfontein Club: 1891-1892.
Bloemfontein Hotel (Masonic): 1904.
Board of Executors and Trust Co Building: 1904-6.
Boshuis: 2009.
Bram Fischer International Airport: 1964. 
Bryer Bros: 1932.
Building: 1928.
Building for CW Champion: c1905.
Building for Irish Masonic Trust Board (Emerald Lodge): 1931.
Building for Mrs Vickers: c1905.
C Marsh's bldg: 1930.
Cape Town-Rand Rail Line : Northern Signal House (North Creek Signal): Early 1900s. 
Capitol Hotel: n.d..
Cathedral of St Michael and St Andrew: 1863-1866 : 1904-1906.
Cenotaph: c1922.
Chambers, Fichardt's Estates: 1926.
Champion's Motor Car Store and Service Station: 1936.
Champions: 1938.
Church hall: 1923.
Church of the Sacred Heart, now choir of the Catholic Cathedral: 1881.
Church, West Bloemfontein: 1912.
Cinema for Deale Bros: 1938.
City Hall: 1933 - 1935. 
Civic Theatre and Restaurant: 1958. 
Colonial Mutual Life Ass Soc Ltd: 1927.
Consolidated Bldg, known as Champion's bldg: 1930.
Cottages: pre-1912.
Court Bldgs: c1905.
Court of Appeal: 1929.
CR Swart Building: 1980.
Cuthbert and Co Bldg: 1938.
Cuthbert and Co building, rebuilt: 1935.
Cuthbert's Building: 1938. 
CW Champion Building: c1930. 
CW Champion's Bldg: n.d..
D/S house: n.d..
Damensinstituut 'Upper House': c1890.
Damesinstitute (Eunice School), bldg (later Lower House): 1876.
Double-storey thatched house: 1934.
Edge Restaurant, The: 2015.
Eiffel Tower Replica: 1968. Hamilton, 
Eunice High School Hostel: 1920s.
Express, offices: n.d..
Fichardt Chambers: 1903.
Fichardt's Library: 1899.
Fire Station: 1933.
Firmitas Building: 1996.
Flats for Mr Arven: 1937.
Flats for Nielson Bros: 1937.
Flats, for M Awerbuch: 1938.
Fort Drury: n.d.. 
Fort Drury Mansions: c1930. 
Four shops for J Thomson: 1930.
Free State Legislature - Fourth Raadsaal: 2010. 
Free State Psychiatric Complex: n.d.. 
Free State Sport Science Institute: n.d..
Free State Stadium: 2010. 
Free State Technical College: 1931.
Gallery on Leviseur: n.d..
Garage for Messrs Champions for Bloemfontein Hotel: 1930.
Gereformeerde Kerk: 1927. 
Gereformeerde Kerk: 1922.
German Club: n.d..
Government Buildings - Third Raadzaal - National Museum of Afrikaans Literature: 1875 : 1895 : 1906 : 1911. 
Grand Hotel: c1905.
Grand Theatre: 1905. 
Grey College - First: 1893. 
Grey College Chapel: 1907.
Grey University College and School - now Grey College: 1906. 
Hangar and Departure Lounge for RAUBAIR - Bloemfontein International Airport: 2010. 
Heilsleer kaserne: c1898.
Hertzog Square: n.d..
Heuvelskans: 2003. Waverley, 
Hill's offices: 1904.
Hofmeyer Tehuis: 1933.
Hospital adds, Bloemfontein: n.d..
House: n.d..
House: n.d..
House: 1940.
House Barlow: Kelvedon House: c1891. 
House Britz: 1998. 
House De Bie: 1960s. Waverley, 
House Dr Bidwell: c1905.
House Dr Otto Krause jun: 1931.
House Dr RS Verster: 1934.
House Enkalwani: 2006. Rayton,
House for Advocate Horwitz: 1933.
House for Papenfus (HFD Papenfus, Landrost?): n.d..
House for `Colaos' (Colaco Osorio ?): n.d..
House GA Fichardt: Kaya Lami: n.d..
House GA Hill: 1905.
House Horne Conversion: 1974; 2000. Rayton, 
House Justice de Villiers: 1925.
House Kotzé: 1960. 
House Leo Kramer: 1930. 
House M Leviseur: Halevey House: n.d..
House Morris Leviseur: n.d..
House Mrs F Masey: c1927. 
House NN Farquharson: pre-1911.
House Pienaar: 2003. Rayton,
House R Wocke: n.d..
House Relling: 2006. 
House Roodt: 2015. Waverley, 
House Smit: 2002. Waverly,
House Uys: 2006. 
House van Zyl - Reinvention of a 48-Year-Old spec house: 2015.
House Venter: 2011?. Groenvlei, 
Ice Cream Factory: 1938.
Imperial Hotel: 1905.
Industrial School for Boys: n.d..
JGW Steyne Bldg: 1906.
Lamont-Hussey Observatory: 1927 : 2013. Naval Hill, 
Land Bank: 1926.
Law Courts, now Supreme Court: 1906.
Lebohang Building - Free State Provincial Government Offices: 1968. 
Lennon Ltd Bldg: 1936.
Lennon's Bldg: 1897.
Levin's Bldgs, incorporating tea room and bioscope: 1930.
Liedjiesbos Guesthouse: 2015.
Lutheran Church: 1875.
Lutheran parsonage: c1882.
Maitland View Apartments: n.d..
Market Bldgs: 1925.
Market Sq, layout: 1917.
Market Square: 1882. 
Masonic Hall - Union Lodge: 1866.
Masonic Temple for Emerald Lodge: 1931.
Medfontein - Medical Centre, The: 1959. 
Mental Hospital: n.d..
Mental Hospital (female villa): 1920s.
Monument to the Fallen of the Second Batallion of the Norfolk Regiment: post 1900. 
Motor Showroom for Atkinson Oates: n.d..
Motor Showrooms for Lambon & Co: c1923.
National Bank: pre-1906.
National Bank: 1906.
National Bank of the ORC - Second: pre-1908.
National Hospital: 1933.
National Museum of Afrikaans Literature: 1907. 
National Mutual Life Association of Australasia bldg: 1931.
National Women's Monument - Vrouemonument: 1913. 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1949. Bloemheuwel, 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1965. Hugenoot,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1970s. Heuwelsig, 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Berg en Dal: 1959.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Klipkerk: 1923.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Orange Free State Synodal Building: c1924. 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Tweetoringkerk: 1880. 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, Greykerk: 1940. Bloemfontein West, 
Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk: 1949-50.
Nelson Bldg: 1904.
Netherlands Bank: pre 1938.
Netherlands Bank Building: 1958. 
New Station Building: 1891.
NG Kerk Parsonage: c1880.
NG Kerk Sinode: 1963.
Noorderbloem Twee: 1992.
Office GA Hill: n.d..
OFS Milling Co, Bakery: 1930.
OK Bazaars: 1937.
Old Mutual: 1892.
Old Mutual: 1928.
Oliewenhuis - Governor General's Residence, now Art Museum: 1941.
Operahuis - Sand du Plessis Theater: 1984. 
Own residence, Freshford: 1897.
Pedestrian Bridge: c1890.
Performing Arts Centre of the Free State: 1985.
Phoenix Hotel, replacing the old Phoenix Hotel: 1927.
Polley's Hotel, add: 1923.
Polytechnic and Hostels: n.d..
Polytechnic and Normal College: 1914.
Post Office: 1891. 
Power station: n.d..
Presbyterian Church: 1898.
Presidency: 1884-1886. 
President Hotel Restaurant: 1978.
Progressive Jewish Temple: 1965. 
Provincial Buildings of the Orange Free State: 1960s. 
Queen's Hotel: 1938.
R Lurie bldg: 1937.
Raadsaal - First: 1849. 
Raadsaal - Fourth: 1893. 
Raadsaal - Third - Government Buildings - National Museum of Afrikaans Literature: 1875 : 1895 : 1906 : 1911. 
Railway Bureau: 1898. 
Railways Administrative Building - Orange Free State Section : CW Malan Building: 1964.
Rambler's Club: pre-1908.
Rambler's Club: 1930.
Ramblers' Club: 1896 : 1907. 
Reserve Bank: 1939.
Rice Pattern Blockhouse, War Museum of the Boer Republics: c1899. 
Rooidam African Military Cemetery: c1921. 
Russell Hotel: c1907.
SA Fisheries bldg: 1937.
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building: c1902.
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building (proposal): 1928. 
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building - Third: 1928.
Saambou Business Centre: 1950s?.
Sacred Heart Cathedral: 1962.
SANLAM Building: n.d..
Shop fronts, reconstruction: 1933.
Sir George Grey School, later Grey College: 1856. 
Southern Life Offices: c1904.
Springbok Park Rugby Stands: 1933.
St Andrew's School: 1899. 
St Cyprian's theological school, add: 1876.
St George's Club (Mechanics' Institute): 1882.
St Margaret's Church, War Memorial lych gate: 1923.
St Michael's church home: 1876.
St Michael's Home: n.d..
St Patrick's Cathedral: n.d..
St Patrick's church and native clergy house: 1908. Batho Location - Waaihoek,
St Rose of Lima: 1954. Bochabela,
Standard Bank: 1922.
Standard Bank: 1923-1925.
Standard Bank, ext: 1940.
State Lunatic Asylum: n.d.. 
Statue of Christiaan de Wet: 1954. 
Stewarts and Lloyds Building: pre-1911.
Sts Michael & Andrew's Church: 1850. 
Supreme Court: 1906.
Synagogue: 1912.
Synod Hall: 1926.
Taxi Terminus, University of the Free State: 2009. 
Telephone Exchange: 1920s.
Town Hall: 1933-35.
Town Hall - First: 1882-1883.
Trinity Wesleyan Church: 1927. 
United Hebrew Institutions: 1965. 
United Tobacco Co Factories: n.d..
University of the Free State : Psychology Building: Before 1971. University of the Free State Campus , 
University of the Free State, Agriculture: n.d..
University of the Free State, Biology: n.d..
University of the Free State, Department of Architecture: 2013?. 
University of the Free State, H vd Merwe Scholtzsaal: n.d..
University of the Free State, Library: 1984.
University of the Free State, Main Building: 1907-1909 : 2008. 
University of the Free State, Music School: n.d..
University of the Free State, Physics Building: n.d..
University of the Free State, Student Centre, Thakaneng Bridge: 2005. 
University of the Free State, Visitors Centre: 2015.
Upper House: n.d..
Urban Hotel, The: 2009.
Vaudette Theatre, alt: 1934.
Volkshospitaal [National Hospital]: 1892. 
Vrouemonument - National Women's Monument: 1913. 
Waaihoek Power Station: n.d.. 
Waldorf Buildings: 1928.
War Museum of the Boer Republics: 1930 : 1956. 
Waterworks System: c1898. Naval Hill, 
Wesleyan Church: 1868. 
Wesleyan Church: 1875.
YMCA bldg: 1940. Tempe,
YWCA: pre-1940.