Agherdien, Yusuf , George, Ambrose C & Hendricks, Shaheed (Edited and annotated by du Pré, Roy H). 1997. South End [As We Knew It]. Port Elizabeth: Western Research Group. pp All
Bentley, Kin. 2021. 200 Years : A Celebration of Port Elizabeth 1820-2020. Port Elizabeth: Gutsche Family Investments. pp All
Burrows, Edmund Hartford . 1994. Overberg Odyssey : people, roads and early days. Swellendam: Privately printed in co-operation with the Swellendam Trust. pp 136, 171, 172
Fransen, Hans. 2006. Old towns and villages of the Cape. A survey of the origin and development of towns, villages and hamlets at the Cape of Good Hope. With particular reference to their physical planning and historical landscape. Johannesburg & Cape Town: Jonathan Ball. pp 317-323
Gill, Fraser. 1961. Cape trams : from horse to diesel. [Cape Town]: Fraser Gill and Associates for The Cape Electric Tramways Limited. pp Various
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp 185-187
Harradine, Margaret. 2004. Hills covered with cottages : Port Elizabeth's lost streetscapes. Port Elizabeth: Historical Society. pp All
Harradine, Margaret. 1994. Port Elizabeth : a social chronicle to the end of 1945. Port Elizabeth: E.H. Walton Packaging (Pty) Ltd. pp All
Herholdt, AD in association with Nesbit, GHH & Steenkamp, HE. 1994. Eight beautiful Gothic revival churches of Port Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth: Ad Hoc Publishers. pp All
Herholdt, AD (Editor). 2013. Coastal Contemporary : Architecture of Nelson Mandela Bay : 2000 - 2013. Port Elizabeth: DOT Matrix Publications. pp All
J.E. . c1890. Album of South Africa: 60 Views of Cape Town, Simons Town, Port Elizabeth, Kimberley and South African Gold Fields. Cape Town: J.E.. pp [Plates 16 - 20]
Joubert, 'Ora (Ed). 2009. 10 years + 100 buildings : Architecture in a Democratic South Africa. Cape Town: Bell-Roberts Publishing. pp Red Location 370-373
Logie, Bartle & Harradine, Margaret (Compilers). 2014. Gazetteer of the Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage Divisions of the old Cape Colony. Port Elizabeth: Historical Society of Port Elizabeth. pp
Lorimer, Eleanor K . 1971. Panorama of Port Elizabeth. Cape Town: AA Balkema. pp All
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 47
McLachlan, Gavin. 1997. Towards a sustainable conservation plan for Central Port Elizabeth. Volume 1: Survey Methodology. Port Elizabeth: Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth. pp All
McLachlan, Gavin. 1997. Towards a sustainable conservation plan for Central Port Elizabeth. Volume 2: Conserving Central. Port Elizabeth: Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth. pp All
O'Brien, Rory & Curtis, Craig (samestellers). 1979. Die Donkinerfenis-wandelpad : Port Elizabeth stapgids. Port Elizabeth: Historiese Vereniging. pp All
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 131-135
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 104-108
Port Elizabeth Publicity Association . 1960. Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Souvenir Brochure 1860 - 1960. Port Elizabeth: Port Elizabeth Publicity Association. pp All
Redgrave, JJ. 1947. Port Elizabeth in bygone days. Wynberg: Rustica Press. pp All
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 36-40
Theron, Danie (Compiler & Editor). 1984. 19th century Port Elizabeth : a guide to restoration. : Department of Architecture, University of Port Elizabeth. pp All
11 Cora Terrace: 2013. 
2 Stores and dwelling for F Herst and Co: 1937.
26 Flats, North End: 1936.
Aegis Assurance and Trust Co Building: n.d. : 1923. 
Aegis Insurance and Trust Co Building, proposed: 1934.
African Eagle Building - Corner House: c1963. 
African Homes Trust Building: 1931.
Afrikaans medium School: 1934.
Albany Hotel: c1881. 
Aldwyn Towers Court: 1937. 
Algoa Bay Sweet Factory, ext: 1933.
Algoa House Hotel: 1935. 
Armourplate Safety Glass Factory: 1939.
Armstrong Auction Rooms: 1878. 
Aspen Pharmacare high containment suite: c2017. 
Astoria Kinema : 1930.
Astra Theatre: 1934. 
Athenaeum: 1896 : 1901. 
Atlas Cleaners and Dyers: 1940.
Aurora Creche: 1931. 
Bagshaw Gibaud and Co Footwear Factory: pre-1952.
Bagshaw, Gibaud and Co Shoe Store, add: 1927.
Bank of Africa: 1903.
Barclays Bank: 1956. 
Barris Bros store, ext: 1939.
Bayworld - Port Elizabeth Museum Complex: 1958. Humewood, 
Beach Hotel: 1918 : 1923 - 1928. Humewood, 
Berkeley Court: 1934 : 1990s. Summerstrand, 
Bldg for Sir Lewis Richardson: 1930?.
Block for Mr Moore: 1926.
Block of flats for HD Pettit: 1938.
Block of maisonettes: 1930. Humewood,
Boet Erasmus Rugby Stadium: n.d.. 
Bossington House Private Hotel: 1939.
Box factory for Mr Budlender: 1934.
Brittania Hotel, alt: 1934.
BSB Building: 1952.
Cadbury-Fry (SA) factory: 1937. 
Campanile: 1922 : c2017. 
Campanile Hotel: 1934.
Canning factory: 1927. Sydenham,
Cape Produce Company, Pty Ltd: n.d.. North End,
Capitol Theatre: n.d..
Car storage buildings for General Motors (SA): 1936.
Castle Breweries, ext: 1934.
Castle Wine and Brandy Co bldg: 1937?.
Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin: 1825 : 1895 : 1932. 
Cement Co offices, proposed bldg: 1927. New Brighton,
Cenotaph: 1929. 
Centenary Memorial Pavilion 1820: 1921. 
Centenary Methodist Church: 1969. Richmond Hill, 
Cerebos Offices and Factory: 2009. Coega Industrial Development Zone,
Chief Dawid Stuurman International Airport: 1950-1955 : 1978-1980 : 2000. 
Chief Dawid Stuurman International Airport: c1974.
Christian Science Church: 1939.
Church for Seventh Day Adventists: 1924.
Church Hall, South End: 1939.
Church of St Mary the Virgin: n.d..
City Hall: 1858. 
Cloisters, The: c1940.
Coega Development Corporation Headquarters: 2008.
Collegiate School for Girls: 1900. 
Colonial Mutual Life Building - Pleinhuis: 1934. 
Coloured Secondary School: 1927. North End,
Commercial Hall: pre 1848. 
Convent and School: 1934. 
Convent and School, Emerald Hill, prepared contract: c1901.
Cora Terrace: 1831.
Country Club: 1930. 
Court Receife: 1937. Summerstrand,
Criterion Hotel, alts: 1928.
Crown Bakery, North End: 1936.
CTC Bazaars: 1937.
Customs House: 1891. 
Customs House - Fleming Building: 1864 : 1922. 
Dairy & flat over: 1926.
Dawson Court: 1937.
Deutsche Liedertafel - German Club: 1885.
Development of a picnic beach: 1920. Humewood,
DH Mobbs Boot Factory, adds: 1907.
Donkin Reserve - Environmental upgrade: 2009. 
Donkin Street Houses: 1856-1880. 
Donkin Tower Sculpture - 'Make Your Mark': 2012. 
Dr Viljoen School: 1930. North End,
Drill Hall, Prince Alfred's Guard: 1882. 
Duckpond Pavilion: 1992. 
Durban House: 1923.
Dutch Church Parsonage: 1926. North End,
Eastern Cape Institute of South African Architects: c1986. 
Eastern Province Building Society: 1939.
Eastern Province Cement Works, offices, labs, workshops: 1928. New Brighton,
Eastern Province Rugby Union, pavilion, St George's Pk: 1937.
Edwards Memorial Church: 1875. 
Edworks factory: 1924.
Elizabeth Donkin Hospital for Infectious Diseases: 1930s.
Empire Hotel: n.d. : 1928. 
Eric Tindale Building - Mfanasekhaya Gqobose Building: c1965. 
Erica Girls' School: 1903. Richmond Hill, 
Ethel Valentine Primary School: 1944. 
Eveready Factory: 1937. 
Feathermarket Hall: 1885 : 1908 : 1993. 
Felsted: 1936. 
Fidelity House - Auto and General Towers: c1969. 
Firestone Tyre Co Factory: 1935. 
Fischer's Building: 1911.
Flats: 1927.
Flats and private hotel: 1936.
Flats EB Pagden: 1935.
Flats for A Herbert Brookes: 1925.
Flats for Dr Jabkowitz: 1935.
Flats for Dr Leith: 1935.
Flats for Mr Harvey: 1934.
Flats G Stewart: 1926.
Flats Mrs I Levine: 1924.
Flats Mrs Lewitton: 1931.
Flats, Belmont Terrace: 1928.
Flats, for Estate of J Block: 1937.
Flats, reconstruction for Mrs Templar: 1934.
Flats, Robertson Rd, North End: 1935.
Flats, Westbourne Rd, for JP du Plessis: 1936.
Fleming House - Ronaldswaye: 1853. 
Ford House - Brister House: c1969. 
Ford Motor Co (SA) Ltd,: 1928. 
Fort Frederick: 1799. 
Fountain Road Advice Centre: 2012. Gqebera, 
Frielinghaus Gate, St George's Park: 1938.
Garage & motor showroom for WH Singer: 1933.
Garage for Messrs Van Sandwyk, Edwardes Pty: 1936.
General Motors South Africa Assembly Plant: 1928. North End, 
General Post Office: 1900. 
Gereformeerde Kerk: n.d..
Glengarry Court: 1939. Summerstrand,
Glenvandale Stadium: 2010.
Golf Club House: 1930. Humewood, 
Govan Mbeki Multi-Purpose Sports and Community Centre: 2011. 
Grand Hotel: 1885. 
Grand Theatre - First: 1912. 
Grand Theatre - Second: 1935. 
Granton Heights: c1952. Humewood, 
Greaterman’s Department Store: 1950s.
Greenacres Shopping Centre: 1993. Newton Park,
Greenbushes Hotel: 1936.
Grey High School: 1913. 
Grey Institute: 1856.
Grey Institute, two new schools: 1898.
Grosvenor Court: 1933. Summerstrand, 
Guardian Assurance Building: 1937. 
Hall, Eastern Province Arts & Crafts Society: 1927.
Hampton Court: 1936-1937.
Hanover House: 1880. 
Harbour Board Offices: 1905. 
Harbour Board Wool Stores: c1904.
Hayward, Young & Co bldg: 1938.
Hebrew School: 1936.
Helenvale Multi-purpose Community Centre: 2013. Edenvale, 
Highview : 1937.
Hill Presbyterian Church: 1863.
Hillside House: c1878. 
Holy Rosary Convent: 1883. 
Holy Trinity Anglican Church: 1862-1866 : 1872-1873 : 1897-1898.
Hopewell Visitors Centre: 2012. 
Horse Memorial: 1905. 
Hospital, Richmond Hill: 1859.
Hotel: 1925. Humewood,
Hotel Elizabeth: 1927. Humewood, 
Hotel Elizabeth - Garden Court: 1969-1970. Humewood, 
Hotel Sydenham: 1935.
House A Sendzul: 1933.
House AB Thomas: 1926. Walmer,
House AJ Karstaedt: c1939.
House AS Marshall: 1936.
House at Schoenmakers Kop: pre 1934. 
House Benn: 1937. Mill Park,
House Berman: 1938. 
House CH Clutterbuck: 1925.
House CH Elton - Clevedon Court: 1909. Walmer,
House CH Sparks: 1935.
House Clear: 1915.
House Dr Viljoen: n.d.. 
House EC Longworth: 1925. Walmer,
House Elliot - 'Lindani': 1924. Mill Park,
House F Owen Eaton: 1925. Mill Park,
House FH Rees: 1907.
House Fisher: 2012. Richmond Hill,
House G Wynne: 1926.
House GA Upton: 1939. Walmer,
House Gibaud - 'Beauville': 1926. Mill Park,
House Gibaud - 'Chesterton': 1915.
House GL Hill: 1926. Mill Park,
House GL Lippsteu: 1938. Redhouse, 
House Gluckman: n.d.. Mill park,
House Green - 'Pinecones': 1937. Mill Park,
House H Freilinghaus - Matoppos: 1920. 
House H Knussell: 1925. Mill Park,
House Harris - 'Five Gates': 1927. Mill Park, 
House Harvey - 'Santa Barbara': 1934. 
House Hazell - 'The Old Mill House': 1924. Mill park,
House HB Smith: c1912. Central, 
House HB Smith, Mill Park: 1924.
House HD Pettit, remodelled (Swiss Villa?): 1928.
House Hehnen - 'Elden': 1928. Mill Park,
House Herholdt: 2010. Richmond Hill,
House HH McWilliams - The Poop: c1932. Amsterdamhoek, 
House Hirsch - Harland: 1910. 
House Hix: 1992.
House Hobart Kay - 'Far End': 1920. Mill Park,
House Hustler: 1925.
House J McCoy: 1927. Mill Park,
House J Smollan: 1926. Mill Park,
House Johnson: 1930. Mill Park,
House Jolliffe and Co. - 'White Gables': 1929.
House JS Neave: 1924.
House L Dubb: 1931. Mill Park,
House L Harling: 1939. Walmer,
House Lipschitz: 1946. Summerstrand, 
House Loock: 1935.
House MacDonald: 1912. Mill Park,
House Marshal - 'The Homestead': 1911. 
House Marshall: 1936.
House Matheson - 'Kismet': 1929.
House Messina, The Harbour Masters House - The Moorings: 1884. 
House Middleton (own house): 1902. Walmer,
House Mrs J Simpson: 1925. Mill Park,
House Mrs Kerbel: 1938?. Summerstrand,
House Mrs MC Fraser: 1939.
House Mrs Racussen: 1934. Scotstown,
House Mudie: 1931.
House Mudie: 1914. Mill Park,
House N Abrahams: 1936.
House N Messaris: 1936. Jutland Estate, 
House Narshai: c1987.
House Nelson Pearson: 1931.
House O Bracht - 'Aloes': 1911. 
House OL Oosthuizen: 1939.
House Oosthuizen - 'Abbotsford': n.d.. Mill Park,
House P Christian: 1931-32.
House Page - 'Newlands': 1915.
House Peykce - 'Warring Lodge': 1915.
House Playdon: 1938. 
House Pole - 'Keer Weder': 1919. Mill park,
House RA Bateman: 1937.
House RD Buchanan - Dunlop House - Grand Hotel: 1867 : 1885.
House RN Henderson: 1930.
House Rutherfoord - Old Museum Building: 1861. 
House Schoeman: 2013. Walmer, 
House Scribante: 2015. Little Walmer Golf Estate, 
House Smedley: 1948.
House Smollan - 'The Gables': 1929.
House Stanley Marks: 1924. 
House Starmer: 1928. Mill Park,
House Stockelbach - Ridgewood: 1936. 
House Subel: 1929.
House Thomson: 2012. Walmer,
House Till: 1929.
House Turner - 'Rylston': 1917.
House TW Bell: 1928. Walmer,
House VT Jones - Lloc: n.d.. Walmer,
House Walker - 'Lindores': 1929.
House Weinberg: 1929.
House Westwood: 1935.
House Westwood: 1935.
House Westwood - 'Eltham': 1931. Mill Park, 
House Westwood - 'Greyhurst': 1937. Mill Park,
House Westwood - 'The Tavern': 1936.
House Whitfield: c2017. 
House Whitward - 'Waverley': 1912.
House Wynne - Avoca: 1903. Walmer, 
House Young: 1915. Mill park,
Houses of various styles and designs for F Oldfield at Mill Park: 1923.
Humewood Bathing House: 1913. Humewood Beach, 
Humewood Hotel: 1893. Humewood, 
Humewood Hotel: 1920.
Humewood Mansions - Humewood Hotel: 1920 : 1923 : c1984. 
Humphrey Executors & Trust Co Bldg: 1927.
King Edward's Mansions, now King Edward Hotel: c1904. Donkin Reserve,
King George VI Art Gallery: 1927 : 1947. 
Kirkwood High School: 1936.
Kwanobuhle Youth Services Centre: 2004. Kwanobuhle, 
Law Courts: 1934. 
Lawson Brown High School: 1938.
Lennon's bldg: 1927.
Lennon's factory: 1939.
Lennon's Laboratory: 1939.
Lennon's warehouse: 1927.
Lennon's, alt: 1939.
Library Buildings: 1932.
Lighthouse, Bird Island: 1873. 
Lighthouse, Cape Recife: 1851. 
Lighthouse, Deal: 1973. Deal Party,
Lighthouse, Donkin Reserve - Hill and Donkin Memorial Pyramid: 1861. 
Lighting Innovations: 2014. 
Livingstone Hospital: 1955. 
Lombard Chambers: 1879.
London and SA Bank: 1872. 
Loubser Hall: 1896. 
Lowcliffe House: 1038.
Lutheran Church: pre-1908.
MacKay School: 1928.
Magistrate's Court: pre 1934.
Magistrate's Court: 1934.
Magistrates Court and Police Station Building: 1884 : 1899. 
Marine Court: n.d..
Marine Hall - Museum for whale skeletons: 1930. 
Marine Hotel: 1939 : 1948 : c1995. 
Market Square: pre 1894. 
Marshall & Co bldg, add: 1928.
Masjid Abraar - Rudolph Street Mosque: 1894. 
Masjid Aziz - Pier Street Mosque: 1901. 
Masjid ul-Akbar - Grace Street Mosque: 1855. 
Masonic Hall: n.d..
Masonic Hotel: 1933. 
Masonic Temple: c1904.
Masonic Temple: c1904. South End,
Match Factory: 1898. North End,
McDonald & Vardy Building: 1880s. 
Memorial Hall, St John the Baptist Church: 1927. Walmer,
Memorial Pyramid: n.d..
Mendelson & Frost Bldg: 1926.
Mendi Multi Purpose Centre: 2017.
Mercantile Centre: 1969.
Mercator Chambers: c1963. 
Metro Theatre Cafe: c1937.
Mill Park Bowling Club Pavilion: 1933.
Mission School: 1891.
Mobbs Factory: 1952. 
Mosenthal Bldg: 1904.
Mosenthal Building - A Mosenthal & co. - Saambou: 1900-1903. 
Mosenthal's Bldg converted into Clothing factory: 1926.
Mosenthal's Warehouse: c1915.
Mosque: 1866. 
Mosque: 2022. 
Motor Showroom, add, for Malcolmess: 1928.
Mount Road Power Station: 1931.
Mount Road Power Station: 1905-1906. 
Municipal Baths near Harbour: 1898. 
Murray and Stewart Building: c1964. 
Murray Mansions: 1934.
Natal Building Society - Africorp House: 1953. 
Nedbank Building: 1978.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1964. Nooitgedacht,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1955. Newton Park,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1950. Walmer,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1940. Kensington,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1909.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1955. Newton Park,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - North: 1948. Sidwell,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Wes: 1948. Newton Park,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Saal (Hall): 1956. Central,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Saal (Hall): 1955. Algoa Park,
Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium: 2009. 
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Gallery: 1927 : 1947. 
Netherlands Bank: 1927.
New Church: 1852-1853. 
New Store for Morris and Martin - First part: 1936.
Newington Road Terrace - Charmouth Terrace: 1899-1900. 
Newspaper House: 1902 : 1952. 
Newton Park Swimming Pool - Mandela Bay Aquatic Centre: 2011?. Newton Park, 
Newton Primary School: 1930 : 1935.
NG Kerk Saal: 1963. Newton Park, 
NMMU B Ed Foundation Phase Building: 2016. 
NMMU Bitumen Laboratory: c2017.
NMMU Business School: 2011-2014. 
NMMU Library: 2010. Missionvale, 
no.23 Northcliffe Ave: c1978. Walmer,
North End Grey School: 1900.
North End Public Library: 1936.
North End Swimming Baths : 1930. North End,
Norwich Union Building - Kwantu Towers: 1974-79 : c1992. 
Nurses' Home: c 1899. 
Obelisk: 1862. 
Ocean View Private Hotel, ext: 1939. Humewood,
Octagon Cafe: 1913. Humewood,
Offices for Larpeut: 1936.
Offices, stores for Messina Bros, Coles & Searle, PE harbour grounds: 1936.
OK Bazaars: 1938.
OK Bazaars: 1937.
Old Mutual: c1898-1900.
Old Mutual Building: 1957. 
Onion Row: 1986.
Opera House: 1892 : 1926 : 1985. 
Oral Solid Dosage Manufacturing Suite for Aspen Pharmacare: 2011?. Korsten, 
P.E.M. Health Centre: 1930. North End, 
Pair of Cottages for L. Brennan: 1911. 
Palace Mansions for A Herbert Brookes: 1923.
Palmerston Hotel: 1934.
Parsonage House Museum: c1830. 
Paterson Secondary School: 1926.
Pavilion and Tidal Bath: 1934-1936. Sea View, 
Pearson Conservatory - Restoration: 1882 : 2011. 
Pearson High School: 1930s.
Pearson Street Congregational Church: 1881. 
Pembridge House: 1844 : 1908. 
Perseverance Building Society: 1934.
Phoenix Hotel: 1837. Central, 
Piet Retief Monument: 1938. Summer Strand, 
Pioneer Motor Ltd, North End: 1928.
Polliack's Building: 1878. 
Port Elizabeth Airport: c1974.
Port Elizabeth Assurance Building: 1892. 
Port Elizabeth Boot & Shoe Factory: 1926.
Port Elizabeth Club: 1905. 
Port Elizabeth Museum Complex - Bayworld: 1958. Humewood, 
Port Elizabeth Museum, Snake Park and Aquarium: 1861 : 1919 : 1925. 
Port Elizabeth Tramway & Co's power station and car house: 1895.
Port Elizabeth-Avontuur Narrow Gauge Rail-line - Apple Express: 1902-1906 : 1914. 
Porter's (Pty) Ltd: 1933. North End,
Portuguese Cannon at Cape Recife: 1647 : 1993. 
Post Office: c1935. Walmer,
Post Office Extension - Telephone Exchange: 1920. 
Presbyterian Church: pre-1908.
Prester John Memorial: 1986. 
Primary Dept Girls' Collegiate School: 1926.
Prince Alfred's Guard Drill Hall: 1882. 
Prince Alfred's Guard Memorial: 1907. 
Printing works for Lawler's: 1938.
Private Hotel for L Pryor: 1937. Humewood,
Proposed church: c1891. 
Proposed Garage: 1928.
Protea Flats: 1969.
Provident Insurance and Trust Co office: 1879.
Provincial Hospital - Second section, alt: 1931.
Provincial Hospital, coloured [sic] servants' quarters: 1937.
Provincial Hospital, First Section, alt: 1930.
Provincial Hospital, third section, alt: 1931.
Public Library - Savage Memorial Hall: 1902. 
Quest School - Cunningham Primary School : 1928. South End, 
Radisson Blu Hotel: 2009. Summerstrand, 
Rail Bridge over the Zwartkops River: 1879.
Railway Hotel, add for Ohlsson's Cape Breweries: 1939.
Railway Hotel, rebuilt: 1928.
Railway Station: 1875.
Red Location Art Gallery and Archive Library: 2011. Red Location,
Red Location Museum of Struggle: 2006. New Brighton, 
Reserve Bank: 1942. 
Residence: 1949. Newton Park,
Residential Hotel for Mrs Nosworthy: 1939.
Restoration of 22 Landsdown Place: 2009. Richmond Hill, 
Richardson Building: 1923. 
Robson's Chapel, add, Chapel Lane: 1881.
SAPS 10111 Radio Control Centre: 2011. Korsten, 
Saraphil Mansions: 1926.
Savage & Son, skin store: 1928.
Savage Memorial Hall - Public Library: 1902. 
Saville House: 1935. 
Seamen's Institute: 1897-1900 : 1936. 
Seaview Hotel: 1937.
Selwyn House: 1883. 
Semi-detached Houses for DP Blaine: 1864. 
Settlers' Memorial Tower: c1905.
Shamwari Townhouse: 2009.
Shops: 1935.
Shops & store for Messrs Upton: 1934.
Shops, for B Stein: 1938.
Shops/flats: 1926.
Showrooms and offices for Hugh Parker: 1936.
Shree Siva Subrahmanya Alayam: 1901. Baarkens Valley, 
Sidwell Primary School: 1937.
Smith Sign Co: 1938.
South African Permanent Building Society - Nedbank - 85 Govan Mbeki Avenue: 1953-1955. 
South African Railways Administrative Building: 1965. 
South End Boys' Club: 1939.
South End Grey School: 1902.
South End Grey School: 1875. 
South End Grey School: 1916. 
Southern Life Association: 1938.
St Augustine's Church Hall - Mac Sherry Hall: 1936. 
St Augustine's Presbytery: n.d. : 1932. 
St Augustine's Roman Catholic Cathedral: 1866. 
St Cuthbert's Church: 1884 : 1898-1899 : 1932-1933. 
St Dominic's Priory Chapel and Refectory: n.d..
St George's Club: n.d.. 
St George's Park Pavilion: 1994.
St John's Methodist Church: 1894 : 2011.
St Joseph's Hospital, Staff Quarters: 1947. 
St Joseph's Nursing Home: 1926.
St Joseph's Private Hospital, bldg: 1927.
St Joseph's private hospital, ext: 1930.
St Mary's Church, designed the East Window, a memorial window to John Owen Smith: 1895.
St Mary's Collegiate Church: 1832. 
St Mary's Collegiate Church - Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin: 1895-1897. 
St Mary's Collegiate Church, Prince Alfred's Guard Memorial Chantry: 1926.
St Mary's Collegiate Church, Rose Wirgman Memorial Gateway: 1926.
St Monica's Church, South End: 1935.
St Patrick's Church: 1934.
St Patrick's Hall: 1879.
St Peter's Greek Orthodox Church: 1958. 
St Philip's Church: 1883. 
St Philip's Hall: 1912. 
St Saviour's Anglican Church: 1942. Walmer, 
Standard Bank: 1962-64. 
Standard Bank: 1874-1876 : 1880. 
Standard Bank, alt, add, North End: 1932.
Standard Bank, ext: 1927.
Standard Building Society: 1932.
Standard Printing Co, extensive alt: 1935.
Sterley Cottage - 10 Castle Hill: c1830 : 1974. 
Sterley Cottage - 12 Castle Hill: c1830 : 1974. 
Store, M Platzky: 1939.
Stores for Kerbel & Co: 1937.
Strandview Mansions: 1938. Summerstrand,
Sub-post & telegraph office: 1928. 
Summer Place: 1983-1985. Humewood, 
Swallow and Sutcliffe Building - Lowcliffe House: 1938.
Swiss Villa, remodelled: 1925.
Sydenham School ext: 1928.
Synagogue: 1911. Richmond Hill,
Synagogue: 1876. 
Synagogue - Chatham House: n.d.. Glendinningvale, 
Sytner Bros building - Birmingham House: c1900. 
Taylor House: 1935. 
Technical College: 1925.
Teikamdos Bros Factory: 1934.
Telephone Exchange - Post Office Extension: 1920. 
Temple Israel: 1955.
Terminus Hotel: n.d.. 
Textile factory: 1927. Belgravia,
Theatre Royal: pre 1895.
Three shops: 1930.
Town Hall: 1908 : 1930. Walmer, 
Tree House: 2010. Crossways Farm Village, Thornhill, 
Trinity Church - Holy Trinity: 1866 : 1873 : 1883 : 1897. 
Ubuntu Centre: 2011. Zwide, 
United Bldg Soc: 1932.
United Building: 1934. 
University of Port Elizabeth, Summerstrand Campus - NMMU: 1974 - 1979. 
Vardy House for Vardy bros: n.d..
Victoria Hotel: 1931. 
Victoria Memorial Home: 1902. 
Villas Marina: n.d..
Walmer Link Social Housing: 2012. Walmer, 
Walton Orthopaedic Home: 1947-1948. 
War Memorial: 1924. Walmer,
Warehouse for Hirsch, Loubser & Co: 1905.
Warehouse for Lieberman, Bellstadt & Co: c1904.
Warehouse for T Morgan & Sons: 1936.
Warehouse, shops for McKechnie Bros: 1928.
Wesleyan Chapel: 1870. 
Wesleyan Church, South End: 1882.
Wesleyan Methodist Church Hall: 1935. Newton Park,
Western Court Flats: 1924.
Whitehall Court: 1939.
Williams, Hunt and Brook, Garages: 1928. 
Willows Holiday Resort: n.d.. 
Willowtree Cafe and Grill Room: n.d..
Windsor Hotel: 1933.
Windyridge: c1880. 
WM Cuthberts and co Building: 1904. 
Wool Exchange: n.d..
Wool Store for J Buchman: 1937.
Wool store, North End: 1927.
Wool warehouse for Boere Saamwerk Bpk: 1926.
World War II Gun Battery: 1940s. Cape Recife,
YMCA - CVJM: 1936. 
YWCA: 1906. 
Zwartkops Mineral Baths Sanatorium: 1915 : 1922 : 1938. 