Botha, Christo S & Fransen, Hans. 1979. Ontdek historiese Stellenbosch. Pretoria: HAUM. pp All
Botha, Christo S & Fransen, Hans. 1979. Discover historical Stellenbosch. Cape Town: HAUM. pp All
Bulpin, TV. 1999. Stellenbosch : its wine, fruit and flower lands. Muizenberg: Discovering Southern Africa. pp All
Burrows, Edmund Hartford . 1994. Overberg Odyssey : people, roads and early days. Swellendam: Privately printed in co-operation with the Swellendam Trust. pp 5, 8, 10, 17, 18, 25, 28, 50, 58, 59, 61, 75, 84, 86, 111, 120, 123, 124, 128, 130, 142, 150, 155, 157, 158, 162
Burrows, Edmund Hartford . 1988. Overberg Outspan : A chronicle of people and places in the south western districts of the Cape. Swellendam: Privately printed in co-operation with the Swellendam Trust. pp 2, 3, 23, 38, 50, 96, 167, 173, 174, 181, 284
Coyne, Patrick. 2010. A guide to South Africa's mountain passes and poorts. Westville: Osborne Porter Literary Services. pp 55, 76-79
Fransen, Hans. 2004. The old buildings of the Cape. A survey of extant architecture from before c1910 in the area of Cape Town - Calvinia - Colesberg - Uitenhage. Johannesburg & Cape Town: Jonathan Ball Publishers. pp Town 171-196, District: east & north 197-212, District: west & south 213-238
Fransen, Hans. 2006. Old towns and villages of the Cape. A survey of the origin and development of towns, villages and hamlets at the Cape of Good Hope. With particular reference to their physical planning and historical landscape. Johannesburg & Cape Town: Jonathan Ball. pp 65-76
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp 220-221
Le Roux, Marius. 1979. V.O.C. Kruithuis Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Museum. pp All
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 27-30
Mertens, Alice. 1979. Stellenbosch. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau. pp All
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 62-82
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 59-71
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 140-152
Smuts, F, Johnman, CK & Malherbe WD. 1974. Stellenbosch ons oudste dorp : our oldest village. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch 300 Aksie. pp All
Stadsraad van Stellenbosch. 1929. Stellenbosch 1679-1929. Stellenbosch: Hortors. pp All
Stellenbosch Town Council. 1979. Stellenbosch three centuries : official commemorative volume. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Town Council. pp All
Warner, Brian. 2006. Cape landscapes : Sir John Herschel's sketches 1834-1838. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. pp 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140
101 Dorp Gallery and Studio: 2010?. 
Akkerhof: 1966.
Andmar: 1972.
Blaauwklippen: c.1760.
Bloemhof Girls' School – Stellenbosch University Museum: 1907. 
Bloemhof Seminary (Theological College) alterations: 1905.
Blyhoek: 1824.
Bonfoi: n.d.. Bottelary,
Box House: n.d..
Boys' High School, hostel, adds: 1920.
Bruply Sawmills: n.d..
Capitec: 2020.
Christelike Jongelingen-Vereniging : Hofmeyrsaal: 1874. 
Christelike Studente Vereniging, Head Office: 1939.
Coetzenburg, refurbishment: c1833 : 1893/1903. 
College Library: pre-1905.
Concord (student accommodation): 1964.
Continental Butchery: 1954. 
Cottage Hospital: pre-1905.
Cuthbert and Co Building, rebuilt: 1934.
Cywes Commercial and Residential Building: 1955.
Divisional Council Offices: 1935.
Drostdy alterations, Secretary's house and store: 1811.
Duiwehok - Dovecot (Meerlust): n.d.. 
Erfurt House: 1876. 
Farmhouse: pre-1911. Muldersvlei,
Farmhouse for Mr G Christie: pre 1954.
Farmhouse for Mr Spottiswoode: pre 1954.
Garage with showroom and 20 flats: 1954.
Gereformeerde Kerk: 1970. 
Groenhof: 1780.
Grosvenor House: 1790. 
Helderzicht: 1965.
Hofmeyrsaal: 1874. 
House AH Culver (?): n.d.
House Archer: 1971.
House Bester: 1959.
House Bix: 1976.
House Blommaert: 1982. 
House Botha: n.d..
House Brink: 1964.
House Carstens: 1987.
House Coetsee: 1969. Uniepark,
House Dessau: 1933. 
House Du Toit: 1956.
House Erlank: 1954. Krigeville,
House Friedlander: 1955. Krigeville,
House Göldner: c1960. 
House Haydorn: 1954. Krigeville,
House Heyns: 1956.
House Hoogenhout: 1958.
House Jal Smit: 1983.
House Jordan: 1953. Dalsig,
House Kappelhof: 1957.
House Kruger: 1964.
House Krüger: 1964.
House Lubbe: 1956.
House Malan: 1953.
House Malherbe: 1976.
House Maske: 1957. Dalsig,
House P.E. Pahl: 1954.
House Pauw: 1958.
House Prof A MacDonald: 1918.
House Schwiegers: 1988. Dalsig,
House Scully: 1981.
House Semmering: 1955. Fonteintjiesdorp,
House Straszacker: 1955. Krigeville,
House Taljaard: 1960.
House Trümpelmann: 1954. Krigeville,
House v d Heyden: 1988.
House van Aarde: 1970. Welgelegen,
House Williams: 1968. Uniepark,
Ida's Valley Housing: 1975. 
Ikhaya Trust Centre: 2008?. Kayamandi, 
Joinery, Showrooms, Flat: 1954.
Kruithuis - Powder Magazine: 1777. Die Braak, 
Kweekskool - Theological Seminary: c1900. 
La Gratitude: 1798. 
Lanzerac - Schoongezicht: n.d. : 1830. Idas Valley, 
Libertas Parva: 1783 (or soon after). 
Lutheran Church: 1852-1854. 
Meerlust: 1693 : 1776. 
Mostertsdrift Retirement Home: 1986.
Murray Street No 1: n.d..
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1926.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1926. Central,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Moederkerk: 1863.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Welgelegen: 1972.
Nooitgedacht: n.d..
Old Nectar - Nektar: 1815. Jonkershoek, 
Old Stellenbosch Gymnasium: n.d..
Oom Samie se Winkel: 1904. 
Oude Werf Hotel: 2015. 
Poor School: c1905.
Powder Magazine: 1777. 
Railway Station: n.d..
Rhenish Mission Church: 1823. 
Rhenish Parsonage: late 1700s. 
Rhenish Primary School: 1974.
Rhenish School: 1904.
Rust en Vrede Farm Complex: 1998.
Rustenberg, wine cellar, reconstr & remodelled: 1928.
Saambou: 1975.
Saxenhof: c1704 : 1885. 
School, alt: 1906.
School, hostel for girls: 1911.
Schoongezicht - Lanzerac: n.d. : 1830 : 1914. Idas Valley, 
Schreuderhuis: 1709. 
Sebastian Schreuder House: 1709. 
Several villas 'in the area': pre-1910.
Sinkhuis: 2015. 
Spier: n.d..
St Mary's Church: 1853. Die Braak, 
Stellenbosch Boys' High School - Paul Roos Gimnasium: c1896.
Stellenbosch House: 1983. 
Stellenbosch House 2: n.d..
Stellenbosch House 3: n.d..
Stellenbosch Museum: n.d..
Stellenrust: n.d..
Sybrand Mankadange Building, The: 1962. 
Synagogue: 1923.
Tertia: n.d.. 
Theological Seminary - Kweekskool: c1900. 
Theological Seminary and Library in connection with the 'Boys'High School': pre-1910.
Tokara Winery: 2000.
Town Hall: 1938-1941.
Uitkyk: 1788.
University of Stellenbosch Agriculture Building: n.d..
University of Stellenbosch Chemistry Building: n.d..
University of Stellenbosch hostels, including Dagbreek: 1926.
University of Stellenbosch Library Building: n.d..
University of Stellenbosch Rugby Ground Grand Stand: 1930.
University of Stellenbosch, Administration Building: 1931.
University of Stellenbosch, Coetzenburg swimming bath: n.d..
University of Stellenbosch, Conservatoire Building: 1978.
University of Stellenbosch, Department of Education - Opvoedkunde-gebou: 1913. 
University of Stellenbosch, Domestic Science building: 1932.
University of Stellenbosch, Harmonie Hostel: 1905. 
University of Stellenbosch, Langenhoven Student Centre - Neelsie: 1970-75. 
University of Stellenbosch, Library, Theological Seminary: 1976.
Uva Mira Winery: n.d..
Victoria College - Old Main Building - Ou Hoofgebou: 1886. 
VOC Kruithuis - Powder Magazine: 1777. Die Braak, 
Vredenburgh Cottages for CJ Rhodes: 1900.
Welmoed: c1780-1834. 
Wesleyan Church: 1876.
YMCA bldg: 1874.
YMCA Hall: pre-1905.