Harare (Salisbury), Zimbabwe


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The name of Zimbabwe’s capital city was changed from Salisbury to Harare on 18 April 1982, the second anniversary of Zimbabwean independence. It took its name from Harare Kopje, where the village of the Shona Chief Neharawa was situated.

List of references:

Jack, Alex D, Cobban, D G (text) & Williams, S H (ed.) . 1981. Salisbury’s changing skyline, 1890 - 1980. Bulawayo: Books of Zimbabwe. pp All

List of structures:

Chitubu Beer Garden: pre 1981. Glen Norah,
Chitubu Beer Hall: pre 1981. Glen Norah,
Chiweshe Bar Lounge: pre 1981.
Edith Opperman Maternity Hospital: pre 1973.
Generator Workshop: n.d..
Harare City Library - Queen Victoria Memorial Library: n.d..
Queen Victoria Memorial Library - Harare City Library: 1963.
Refined Oil Products Factory and Offices: 1964.
Utsanana Mini Pub: pre 1981. Highfield,
Willowvale Bar Lounge and Beer Garden: 1976. Willowvale,