Burrows, Edmund Hartford . 1994. Overberg Odyssey : people, roads and early days. Swellendam: Privately printed in co-operation with the Swellendam Trust. pp 118, 167, 170
Coyne, Patrick. 2010. A guide to South Africa's mountain passes and poorts. Westville: Osborne Porter Literary Services. pp 159, 167, 168, 169, 171
Denfield, Joseph. 1965. Pioneer Port : the illustrated history of East London. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp All
Dersley, GH . 1894. A Souvenir of East London. King William's Town: Geo. H. Dersley Photographer & Publisher. pp All
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp 116-117
Joubert, 'Ora (Ed). 2009. 10 years + 100 buildings : Architecture in a Democratic South Africa. Cape Town: Bell-Roberts Publishing. pp Igoda Beach 382-385; Vincent 378-381
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 109
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 168
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 117-118
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 15-16
South African Railways and Harbours. 1947. Princess Elizabeth Graving Dock and the Port of East London. Johannesburg: South African Railways and Harbours. pp All
Watson, Jeremy. 1989. The Urban Trail : a walk through the urban heritage of East London Central Business District and Older Suburbs. East London: Heritage Committee ISAA and B-KIA. pp All
12 Flats: 1935.
1820 Settlers - Stone of Memory: 1953. Selborne, 
2 blocks of flats for Katz: 1936.
2 Houses in Florence Ave, Cambridge for Giddy, Giddy and White: 1935. Cambridge,
5-storey block for EG James/Jones, Belgravia: 1934.
5-storey office block for AC van Lingen, Gladstone: 1933.
6 on Sunset: 2009. Beacon Bay,
Ackermans Ltd Building, add: 1934. 
Adla House: 1934.
Albion House: n.d..
Amalinda School: c1910.
Ann Bryant Art Gallery: 1905. 
Athenaeum Hotel: 1936.
Audio Video Gallery: 1994.
B C Lennon and Co, Ltd: Pre 1894.
B Stevenson's warehouse (Grain merchant): pre-1911.
Bartell's Drift: n.d..
Batting Bridge - First: c1950. 
Batting Bridge - Second: 1971-1973. 
Beach Hotel - First: n.d. : 1935.
Beach Hotel - Second: 1936. 
Beach Pavilion: n.d.. Esplanade, 
Belgrave Hotel: n.d. : 1936.
Belgrave Hotel, rebuilt: 1931.
Berea Baptist Church: 1940.
Block of flats for D Basson: 1934.
Block of flats for G Hamlyn: 1934.
Board of Executors Building: pre 1937.
Bonza Bay Hotel: c1960. Bonza Bay,
Boorman's Central Hotel: n.d..
Border Motor Body Works: pre 1937.
Boys' Hostel, Selborne College: 1927.
Brandon House: c1935.
Bridle Drift Dam: 1969 : 1994. 
Britannia Arcade: 1902.
British Kaffrarian Steam Mill Co Building: pre-1905.
Buckingham Court, Beach Front: 1933. 
Buffalo Bridge: 1908. 
Buffalo Real Estate Ltd: 1934.
Buffalo Volunteer Rifles Drill Hall: 1906 : 2017. 
Building for RH Poole: 1928.
Cadogan Mansions: 1930. Southernwood, 
Cambridge High School, add: 1936.
Cambridge Primary School: 1904. Cambridge,
Cambridge War Memorial: 1922?. 
Carlton Hotel - King David Hotel: c1950. Quigney,
Carroll's Buildings: 1920s or early 1930s. 
Catholic Church: c1910.
Celeste Court - Celestina Bella: c1944.
Central News Agency: pre 1948.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg: c1910.
Christ Church: 1935. Amalinda,
City Hall - Town Hall: 1897-1899. 
Clarendon Hotel: 1932 : 1933. 
College Street School: 1913.
Colonial Division Memorial: 1899 - 1902: c1910. 
Colosseum Theatre: 1936. 
Coloured Secondary School, bldg: 1938.
Commercial High School : Stirling High School: 1970 : 1974. Stirling, 
Continental Hotel: n.d. : 1930. 
Cottage for Mr Swan: 1928.
Cottages, Fleet St for EM Gordon Brown: 1936.
Courtney-Latimer Hall - East London Museum: n.d..
Cuthbert's Building: 1901.
Daily Dispatch: pre 1928 : 1928.
Daily News Bldg, alt: 1933. 
De Waal School: 1920.
Deal's Hotel - First: n.d.. 
Deal's Hotel - Second: 1938.
Deal's Hotel - Third: n.d..
Divisional Council Bldgs: 1930.
Dolphin Hotel: c1950. Nahoon Mouth,
Dorchester Hotel: pre 1948. Quigney,
Douglas Smit Highway Namestone: 1991. Duncan Village, 
Dunvegan: c1935. Southernwood, 
Dyer and Dyer Ltd: pre 1933.
E Baker's Bldg: 1930.
East London Aquarium: 1931.
East London Club: 1935.
East London Golf Club House: 1938.
East London Harbour : Breakwater: n.d..
East London Harbour : Dolos Breakwater Block Memorial: n.d.. 
East London Harbour : Dolos Casting Yard: 1964.
East London Harbour : Eastern Pier: 1927.
East London Harbour : King's Warehouse - Customs House: 1904.
East London Harbour : Malan Memorial: n.d.. 
East London Harbour : Princess Elizabeth Dock - Graving Dock: 1947. 
East London Harbour : Princess Elizabeth Memorial: 1947. 
East London Harbour : Road Bridge at Latimers Landing: 1946. 
East London Harbour : Victoria Slipway: 1896-1897. 
East London Health Resource Centre: 1999. 
East London Hindu Temple: 1980. Braelyn,
East London Jewish Cemetery, Entrance Building: c1970. Cambridge,
East London Motors: pre 1951.
Eastern Province Bldg Soc, Terminus St: 1934.
Entrance Gate, Jewish Cemetery, East Bank Cemetery: c1910.
Esplanade Hotel - Hotel Normandie: c1950. Quigney, 
Farmers' Co-op Wool Store: pre-1911.
Fire Station: 1905.
Fire Station: 1938.
First City Baptist Church: n.d..
Flats: 1939.
Flats: 1932.
Flats: 1935.
Flats: 1931.
Flats for AE Brown: 1932.
Flats for AG Brown: 1936.
Flats for AM Fiore: 1930.
Flats for ER Grey: 1937.
Flats for FA Batten: 1936.
Flats for HP Krubbs: 1936.
Flats for Lamont: 1936.
Flats for Mr & Mrs Walker: 1928.
Flats for Mr Nicol: 1928.
Flats for Mrs CB Stocks: 1936.
Flats for Mrs L. F Wolff - Additions: 1952. 
Flats for Mrs Richardson: 1931.
Flats for Wilson Bros: 1932.
Flats HAB Winklelman: 1937.
Flats I Blumenthal: 1932. Kensington,
Flats Messrs Quodmore: 1939.
Flats/shops, Fleet St for Smit & Rootman: 1937.
Fleet Motors: c1950. 
Fleischer Commemorative Fountain: 1889. Queen’s Park, 
Fort Glamorgan Powder Magazine: 1847. West Bank,
Fort Jackson: pre 1859.
Fort Pato: 1853. 
Frere Hospital: n.d..
Garage and offices for R Campbell: 1932.
Garlick's stores, Oxford St: 1933.
Gately House: 1878. 
German Memorial: 1958 -1960. 
Gibberd, Bryant & Co, alt/add: 1934.
Girls' boarding House: c1910.
Girls' High School, bldg: 1936.
Girls' High School, hostel: 1936.
Girls' prep school: 1939.
Gonubie Manor Hotel, reconstr: 1932.
Grain Elevator Shipping Gallery: 1966.
Grand Hotel - Grand House: n.d..
Grocott & Sherry, Stationers bldg: pre-1911.
Guild Theatre: 1962 : 1987. Selborne, 
H&B Stevenson's Wool Store, built from concrete blocks: pre-1911.
Harbour: 1872. 
Harbour Engineer’s Residence: 1897. 
Hazelmere: n.d.. Quigney,
High School, Cambridge: 1936.
High Schools: pre-1905.
Homeleigh: c1910 ?. 
Hospital for Infectious Diseases: 1933.
Hotel Normandie: c1950. 
Hotel Osner: 1972. 
Hotel Rhodes: 1905.
House (double-storey) Mr Cameron: 1933. Vincent,
House A Addleson: 1932. Selborne,
House A Murray: 1939.
House A Von der Meden Esq.: 1910.
House AL Oak: 1935.
House BA Steer: 1926.
House C Rix: 1937.
House CA Bruik: c1905.
House CK Bradley: 1931. Arnoldton,
House CN Blaker, not built: 1932. Selborne,
House Coutts: c1905. Southernwood,
House Dr GJC Smythe: 1932.
House Dr Lloyd: 1930. Cambridge,
House Dr Neale: 1932. Vincent,
House EC Makin: 1937.
House EG Beresford: 1932.
House EH Poole: 1936. Selborne Ext,
House Ewels: 1935.
House Fawkes: c1966. Nahoon,
House FV Bryant: 1935.
House FW Meyer: 1935.
House G Chatterton: 1939.
House GC Baker: 1958. Bonnie Doon, 
House General Brabant, Needwood: c1905. Amalinda Station,
House Goldswain: 1967. Beacon Bay,
House H Goldsmid: 1936.
House H Ward: 1935. Vincent, 
House Hasenjager, Thorburn Terrace: 1935.
House HB Robbis: 1936.
House HP Perks: 1934.
House Hunter: 1933. Wilsonia,
House J Mills Ellis: pre-1911.
House JW Farrow: 1936.
House Lange: 1957. 
House Lt Col NG Lewis: 1931. Selborne,
House MM Longmore: 1931.
House Mr C Rabe: 1933. Selborne,
House Mr Ewing (of Jhb): 1938. West Bank,
House Mrs Dekenah in Cambridge: 1934. Cambridge,
House Mrs G Chatterton: 1932.
House Mrs Greeves: 1933. Cambridge,
House Mrs Kohler: 1933.
House Mrs MM Blaker: 1933. Selborne,
House Mrs Skead, Mill Park: 1932.
House Muller - Eventually: 2011. Gonubie,
House Oak: 1935.
House R Bryant: 1939.
House R Werner: 1939. Vincent,
House Robinson: 1963. Beacon Bay, 
House Ross-Watt: pre-1911. 
House S Max: 1930.
House Savage - now Ann Bryant Art Gallery: 1905. Belgravia, 
House W Bradford: 1931.
House Watson: n.d.. Beacon Bay,
House WB Meyer: 1937.
House WG Martin: 1930. Nahoon,
House Wong Kun: 1934. Berea, 
Housewifery Dept at East London Technical College: 1930.
Hove Mansions - Hove Court: n.d.. Quigney, 
Huba Court - Ipanema Court: c1950. Quigney,
Igoda View House: 2008. 
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church: 1893. 
International Convention Centre: 2010?. 
Irvin & Johnson cold storage: 1930.
J Steffin bldg, alt: 1939.
Jack Dutton Bridge: 1971-1973. Nahoon River, 
John Bailie Memorial: 1936. Signal Hill, 
John Tremble Hall, Frere Hospital Complex: 1954. 
Joycom Flats: c1945. Southernwood,
Kaffrarian Steam Mill Co. Ltd: 1939. Arcadia, 
Kelswood Butchery: c1910. 
Kennaway Hotel: 1964. 
King Phalo Airport: n.d.. 
King's Court Hotel: 1938.
King's Hotel: c1950.
Knobel & Co, Grocers: pre-1911.
Knobel's Grocery & Bottle Store: pre-1911.
Laboratory for Dr Rescei: 1936. Chiselhurst,
Langham Hotel: n.d. : 1938. 
Lighthouse, Hood Point: 1895. 
Lloyds Building: c1906.
Machinery store for Malcolmess & Co: c1910.
Magistrate's Court and Post Office: 1881 - 1882. 
Majestic Hotel, Beach Front: 1933. 
Malcomess House: c1895.
Malcomess Motors: n.d.. 
Manhattan Court: c1950.
Manor Hotel - Manor House: n.d.. Southernwood, 
Marine Hotel: pre1937. 
Marine Mansions: n.d.. Quigney,
McJannet & Co, bldg: 1939.
Melville Heights: 1964. Southernwood, 
Merrifield Preparatory School and College: n.d.. 
Messrs Taylor, bldg: 1939.
Meyers Motors: pre 1948.
Miriam Makeba Center of Performing Arts: 2006.
Morum Bros Agricultural Store: pre-1911.
Morum Bros Wool Store: pre-1911.
Mosenthal and Co Produce Warehouse: n.d..
Motor show rooms and offices for Manning and Patterson: 1938.
Motor showrooms and offices, for Francis & Johnston: 1933.
Municipal Building and Market: c1950.
Municipal bus garages: 1934.
Municipal Depot: pre-1905.
Municipal Fire Brigade Station: c1900.
Municipal Library: 1970.
Museum: 1930. 
Museum - second: 1949. 
Mutual Benefit Bldg Soc: 1931.
Nahoon Causeway - Abbotsford Causeway: 1919. Abbotsford, 
Nahoon Hotel: pre-1905. Nahoon,
Nahoon Mouth Tea Room: Pre-1930. Nahoon, 
National Bank: c1910.
National Hotel: n.d..
Nederduits Hervormde Kerk: 1941.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1949. 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1953. Cambridge,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1976. Nahoon,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1921. Arcadia,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk and Manse: 1905.
Netherlands Bank: c1930. 
New Colonnade: 1986. 
Offices and show rooms for AJ Ries: 1935.
Orange Grove Hotel: 1939.
Orient Hotel: c1922.
Panmure Theatre (Colosseum?): 1937.
Park Hotel - Vincent Hotel: pre-1911. Clifton,
Pavilion: n.d.. Orient Beach, 
Pavilion and Orient Theatre Complex: 1965. Orient Beach, 
Percy Moorshead Bridge: 1939. Gulu, 
Perseverance Building Society: 1939.
Phoenix Hotel - First: pre 1900. 
Phoenix Hotel - Second: 1931.
Police Barracks: n.d..
Pont over Buffalo River: n.d.. 
Post Office: c1920 ?. Vincent, 
Post Office: c1930. Southernwood, 
Post Office: 1925. 
Power Station: n.d.. West Bank,
Pre-Cast Concrete Batching Plant and Laboratory Building for 'Win-kit': 1990. Eureka, 
Prince George Circuit: 1933.
Prince of Wales Hotel: n.d..
Private Hotel: 1939.
Private Hotel for Mr Tutt: 1937.
Private Hotel, add: 1939.
Public Buildings: n.d.. 
Public Library: 1905. 
Public School, boarding house: 1905.
Quarry Lake Inn: 1998. Selborne,
Queen's Hotel: pre 1948.
Quigney Bridge: n.d..
R. N. V. R. Drill Hall - SAS Port Rex: 1940. 
Railway Station: n.d..
Rand Provident Soc: 1938.
Red House Hotel: n.d.. 
Reserve Bank: 1930s [?]. 
Rev Walter Rubusana's Grave: 1936. Braelyn, 
Road and Rail bridge over the Buffalo River: 1932-1934. 
Road Bridge over Nahoon River - David Lazarus: 1973. Abbotsford, 
Russell Square : 1966. Southernwood, 
SA Mutual & Investment Trust Bldg, alt: 1936.
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building: 1925. 
Sanctuary, The: 2009. Nahoon, 
Savoy Hotel, rebuilt after fire: pre-1911.
School, Umdanzani (Mdantsane): 1931.
Scout & Guide Hall: 1938. Cambridge,
Seamen's Institute: pre-1911.
Selborne College: 1923.
Selborne College War Memorial: 1924. 
Selborne College, Principal's residence: 1935.
Shell House - Now Electricity House: 1939.
Shops EG Jones: 1931.
Shops/flats for CD Morgan: 1931. Cambridge,
Shops/flats for JA Bowie: 1930.
Shops/offices: 1931.
Showroom for Barnes Garage: 1934.
Soffiantini's Castle: 1949 : 2001. Nahoon, 
Solomon's Motors: 1935.
Solomon's Motors, adds: 1935.
Sons of England hall: c1910.
Southern Life Building: 1925.
Southernwood Station: n.d.. Southernwood,
SS Alayam: n.d.. 
St Alban's: 1952. Vincent, 
St Andrew's Lutheran Church: 1880. North End, 
St George's Presbyterian Church: 1900.
St John the Evangelist, Anglican Church: 1880.
St John's Church, vestry: 1931.
St John's Lutheran Church: 1967. Summerpride,
St Marks Anglican Church: 1877. Cambridge, 
St Mary's: 1933. Arnoldton, 
St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church: 1950. Nahoon,
St Peter's Anglican Church: 1857. West Bank, 
St Pius Centre - Catholic School: 1957. Cambridge,
Standard Bank: 1928.
Standard Bldg Soc,alt/add, assoc archts JL HALL, E STEVENSON: 1931.
Steve Biko Bridge: 1973. 
Steve Biko Statue: 1997. 
Stewart's Bldg: pre-1911.
Stirling Lodge: 1958. Stirling,
Strand Hotel: c1910.
Stratford's Guest House & Conference Centre: 2000.
Strathtay Mansions: c1940.
Sunilaws House: 1920's. Beacon Bay, 
Symbol of Multiculturalism: 2006. 
Technical College: 1927. Selborne, 
Tiddy Bros. Building: pre 1948.
Town Hall: 1895 : 1931 : 1953. Cambridge, 
Town Hall - City Hall: 1897-1899. 
Tricircle Pavilion: 2009. 
Trinity Methodist Church: 1904.
Trust Centre: n.d.. 
Umzoniana Reservoir: 1922. Wilsonia, 
Union Castle Mail Steamship Company Building : Daily Dispatch Building: 1902.
Union Produce Market: c1910.
United Building Society: 1951
University of Fort Hare, Commerce Building: 2011. 
Vacuum Oil Company of SA Ltd: pre 1948. West Bank,
Victoria Boys Club: 1932. Milner Estate, 
Victoria Homes: 1904.
Villa Thuringen: c1902. 
Vincent Park Shopping Centre: 1970.
W Cuthbert's & Co Ltd Building: 1901 : 1925. 
War Memorial: 1921. 
Warehouse for Deary & Co: 1936.
Warehouse for Shiver Bros: 1935.
Waterloo Methodist Church: 1875.
Weaver's Hotel: n.d..
Werner Bros building: 1934.
West Bank Memorial: n.d.. 
West Bank School: c1905. West Bank, 
West Bank War Memorial: c1920.
Whittaker's bldg: 1930.
Wilson and Co Building: c1910. North End, 
Windsor Hotel: pre1937.
WM Cuthbert Building: 1901.
Woodholme Private Hotel: 1936.
Wool Exchange: 1930.
Wool store: 1927?.
Wool warehouse for Boere Saamwerk Bpk: 1955.
York Mansions: 1915. Quigney,
YWCA: 1930. 