Bassett, Brian (Editor). 1986. The buildings of Pietermaritzburg (Volume 1). Pietermaritzburg: Pietermaritzburg City Council. pp All
Camp, Steve. 2001. Historic Pietermaritzburg. Pietermaritzburg: Shuter & Shooter. pp All
Gordon, Ruth & Louwrens, Mat. 1984. Victorian Pietermaritzburg. Springfield: Village Publishers. pp All
Greig, Doreen. 1971. A Guide to Architecture in South Africa. Cape Town: Howard Timmins. pp 176-182
Kalley, Jacqueline A . 2021. Houses of old Maritzburg. Pietermaritzburg: Otterley Press. pp All
Laband, John & Haswell, Robert F (Eds). 1988. Pietermaritzburg : 1838-1988 : A new portrait of an African city. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press : Shuter & Shooter. pp All
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 259, 260
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 239-248
Picton-Seymour, Désirée. 1989. Historical Buildings in South Africa. Cape Town: Struikhof Publishers. pp 136-143
Radford, D. 2002. A Guide to the Architecture of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. Cape Town: David Philip. pp 92-116
Radford, D. 1997. The Victorian cottage in Pietermaritzburg - Monograph. : The National Monuments Council. pp All
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 236-243
Verbeek, Jennifer & Verbeek, Alistair. 1982. Victorian & Edwardian Natal. Pietermaritzburg: Shuter & Shooter. pp All
20 Cottages under Corp Housing Scheme: 1925.
8 houses for JW Thrash: 1936.
A Ross Building, add: 1936.
Ackerman's Ltd: n.d. : 1927.
Alexandra Park Pavilion: 1882.
Alfred Grix, two stores: 1883.
Alms Houses: 1882.
Anglo-Zulu War Memorial: 1883. 
Ansonia Hotel: 1925.
Asylum, Town Hill: 1876.
Bank of Africa (now First National): c1905.
Bishop Jolivet, own residence: c1876.
Bishop of Natal's house: 1911.
Blocks of stores, reconstr: 1928.
Boys' Model School (Pietermaritzburg Collegiate Institute): 1864. 
Boys' Preparatory School: n.d..
Boys' School, Havelock Rd: 1910.
Buchanan Street Baths: 1895.
Building for WS Thrash: pre-1904.
Bulwer Park School: 1910.
Cathedral: 1976.
Cathedral Centre: 1976.
Catholic Cathedral: 1927.
Catholic Church: 1927.
Children's Home for the Child Welfare Society: 1936. Scottsville,
Christies' Tea Rooms: 1925.
Christmas Stamp TB Preventorium: 1935 : 1939. 
Church, proposed, Zwartkop: n.d..
Cloister Sanatorium: 1931.
Clothing factory: 1912.
Colonial Offices: 1895-1901 : 2008-2011. 
Congregational Church: 1895.
Congregational Church, (now the Christian Science Church): 1903.
Convent of St John the Divine, add: 1930.
Convent of the Holy Family: c1876. 
Cordwalles Memorial Chapel: 1930s. 
Cordwalles School: 1912 : 1930s. 
Cosy Inn, Church St: 1937.
County Permanent Bldg Soc, alt: 1928.
Court House and Post Office (now the Tatham Art Gallery): 1864.
Cuthbert's Shop: c1936.
Cuthbert's Shop, adds: c1936.
Cuthberts and Co Building: 1931.
Diamond Jubilee Pavilion: 1897.
Durban University of Technology, Indumiso Campus Library: 2018.
Ebenezer Chapel: 1865. 
Eeufees Church bldg: 1939.
Fine Fare Supermarket: 1969.
Flats for Senator EW Thrash: 1936.
Gaol: 1878.
Garage and filling station: 1928.
Geo Carter & Co shop: 1927.
Girls' Collegiate School: 1878.
Girls' Model School: n.d..
Girls' School, Berg St: 1905.
Girls' School, Berg St, adds: 1910.
Girls' School, Longmarket St: 1905.
Government House: 1832 : 1901. 
Grand Theatre: 1931.
Grey's Hospital: 1855-1862.
Grey's Hospital Ward Block: 1920s.
Harwin's Arcade: 1902.
Hilton Rd Hotel: 1939.
Home for Aged Couples: 1936.
Horse Shoe Hotel: pre-1904.
Hospital adds, Pietermaritzburg: n.d..
House Archdeacon TE Usherwood: n.d..
House CH Stott: 1903.
House Dainton: c1904. Scottsville,
House Dr Lawrence: 1938.
House Dudgeon: 1882.
House Dyer: 1954. Scottsville,
House EM Greene: pre-1904.
House GF Ravaison: 1927. Scottsville,
House H Benjamin: 1928.
House Harwin: Sans Souci: 1883.
House Hathorn (see Langton, Barboure & Askham): 1927.
House HC Shepstone (Shepstone House) Maritzburg College: 1885.
House HH Taylor: 1927.
House HJ Kent: 1932.
House ME Davis: Morningside: 1921.
House Mrs S Pearse: 1881.
House Mrs Walter Reid: n.d..
House P Davis: pre-1908.
House R Hathorn: 1927.
House R Muir, Town Hill: 1926.
House RF Morcom: Brookley (Brookby?): 1882. Zwaartkop Valley,
House Theophilus Shepstone, Parkside Villa, now house of Administrator of Natal: 1885.
House TP Adnams: 1925. Scottsville,
House WJ Scott: 1880.
House WS Thrash: pre-1904.
Imperial Hotel: n.d. : 1928.
Ireland & Co, add: 1925.
KwaZulu-Natal Museum: 2020.
Lambert's Store: 1923.
Land Bank: n.d..
Law Courts: n.d..
Legislative Assembly: 1889. 
Legislative Council House: 1898. 
Lewis Stores Ltd: n.d..
Library for Natal Society: 1877.
Lincoln Hotel: 1897.
Lunatic Asylum: c1890.
Lunatic Asylum for Natal Government, Town Hill: 1878.
Macrorie House - South Hill: c1860 : c1880.
Magistrate's Court and Government Offices: 1936.
Main Post Office: 1901.
Marian Villa: c1913. 
Maritzburg College, Clark House: 1885.
Maritzburg College, Science block: 1902.
Maritzburg College, Victoria Hall: 1897.
Market Hall: 1884.
Market House: n.d..
Matthew Nathan House, Maritzburg College: 1909.
McCarthy, Rodway Garage: 1937.
Memorial Garrison Church: 1895.
Mental Hospital, Pietermaritzburg: n.d..
Mounted Police Barracks: 1878-1890. 
Municipal Offices: 1961. Central,
Municipal Police Station - Publicity House: 1882.
Museum, Loop St: 1902.
Natal Bank: 1880.
Natal Bank, Church St: c1860.
Natal Creamery House: 1902.
Natal Government Asylum, Home for Private Patients (North Park), Town Hill: 1910.
Natal Government Railways Office: 1905.
Natal Legislative Council Bldg: 1883.
Natal Tanning Extract Co (NTE) Offices: 1936.
Natal University College: 1910.
Natal University College, Club House/Students' Union: 1938.
Natal University College, Library and Fine Arts Block: 1936.
Nathan's Chambers, add: 1925.
Native Beer Manufactory, bldg: 1923.
Native High Court: 1899.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1922. West,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1857-1861. 
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Gedenkkerk: 1961-1962.
Northdale Assessment Centre for Disabled: 1990.
Office Block & Flats for HG Drew: 1927.
Office HM Bale: 1880.
Officers' quarters: 1886.
Officers' quarters, for Govt Works: 1886.
Offices: 1930.
Offices for AH Hime: 1925.
Ogilvie's store for Miller Hathorn, shop façade: 1900.
Pietermaritzburg Boys’ High School: n.d..
Presbyterian Church, Church St: c1852.
Presbytery, Catholic Church: 1922.
Presbytery: St Mary's Church: c1876.
Proposed courthouse and offices: 1882.
Public Hall: 1904. Zwaartkop Valley,
Rail bridge over the Umsinduzi River: 1906. 
Railway Institute: n.d..
Railway Station: 1892.
RC Sanatorium: 1897.
Reserve Bank: n.d..
Royal Hotel, add: 1936.
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building: 1939.
SABC Studios: n.d..
SAR&H proposed children's home, Fort Napier: 1928.
School of Architecture, Natal: 1935.
Scott's Theatre: 1894.
Seventh Day Adventist Church: 1905.
Shippey's Warehouse: 1901.
Shops/flats for HT Wade: 1928.
Shops/offices, with Street-Wilson: 1889.
Shree Shiva Subrahmanya Temple: 1915.
Simmer & Jenkin bldg: 1886.
St Alphege's Church: 1927. Scottsville,
St Charles College (became the Ansonia Hotel): c1899.
St Charles College, additions to original buildings: c1914.
St Charles Grammar School: 1876.
St Charles' School - Chapel: c1961.
St John's School: 1975.
St Mary's Catholic Church: pre-1879.
St Mary's Church, Pietermaritzburg, original bldg: 1860.
St Mary's Native Church: 1883.
St Patrick's Church, Victoria Rd: 1908.
St Peter's Church: 1849.
St Peter's Church, prepared design for addition of transepts and a steeple: 1863.
St Saviour's Cathedral: 1868 : 1876 : 1898. 
St Saviour's Nursing Home and Private Hospice: pre-1911.
Standard Bank: 1867.
Standard Bank: 1878.
Standard Bank Pietermaritzburg: 1880.
Standard Bank, new roof and interior: 1906.
Stanley Motors, add: 1937.
Stewarts and Lloyds Building: 1928.
Subramanya and Mareeamman (Mariamman) Temple (towers only): 1909.
Supreme Court Building: 1865-1875. 
Supreme Court Conversion to Tatham Gallery: 1990.
Tatham Gallery: 1990.
Theatre, opp Town Hall, for African Theatres: 1926.
Town Hall - First: 1891-1893. 
Town Hall - Second: 1899-1901. 
Town Offices, add storey: 1882.
University of Natal, Library: n.d..
Victoria Chambers: 1899.
Victoria Club: 1879 : 1895 : c1923 : 1936.
Villa Rose Mount: 1884. Zwaartkop Valley,
Voortrekker Museum (Previously Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Voortrekker Kerk / Geloftekerk - Church of the Vow): 1841 : 1861 : 1916. 
Wesleyan Metropolitan Hall: 1902.
William & Lambert's Store: 1928.
Wykeham School for Girls, proposed add: 1927.
Wykham Lodge: 1884.
YMCA: 1902.
YMCA: 1897.
YMCA: c1906.
YMCA, Longmarket St: 1880.
YMCA, Received permission to remove two foundation stones: 1903.
YWCA bldg: 1912.
YWCA Hall, Chapel St: 1935.