Vereeniging, Gauteng

Founded: 1892

Named after the company 'De Zuid Afrikaansche en Orange Vry Staatsche Kolen en Mineralen Myn Vereeniging'.

List of references:

Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pp 253
Mendelsohn, Richard. 1991. Sammy Marks : the uncrowned king of the Transvaal. Cape Town: David Philip, Ohio University Press in association with Jewish Publications-South Africa. pp 54-56, 221-224
Oberholster, JJ. 1972. The historical monuments of South Africa. Cape Town: Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council. pp 293
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pp 215

List of structures:

ARCON Heights: n.d..
Blockhouse, Witkop 1: 1900.
Blockhouse, Witkop 2: 1900.
Central Hotel: c1960.
Dickinson Park: n.d..
Gaol: c1903.
Great War Memorial 1914-1918: c1920.
High School: 1939.
House Isaac Lewis - Vereeniging Country Clubhouse: c1910.
Huis Khan: pre 1993.
Jackson's Drift Hotel: 1936.
Library: pre 1923.
Magistrates Office and Gaol: 1893.
Metro Bioscope: n.d..
Mill and Elevator (first large concrete elevator in the Union): 1921.
Mills, silos, stores and offices: 1917.
MITCO Tool Factory: 1939.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1920.
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1956. Peacehaven,
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: 1920.
NG Kerksaal - Hall: 1953.
NZASM Southern Line: 1890-1893.
NZASM Southern Line Box Culvert North of Vereeniging: 1894-1896.
NZASM Southern Line Bridge over the Vaal River: 1891-1892.
NZASM Southern Line Large arched culvert north of Vereeniging: 1894-1896.
NZASM Southern Line Railway Station: 1892.
NZASM Southern Line Semi-detached houses: n.d..
NZASM Southern Line Small arched culvert north of Vereeniging: 1894-1896.
Peace Negotiation Site: 1902.
Post Office: 1951.
President Building - ESKOM Vereeniging Office: n.d..
Rand Water Board Pump House: 1923.
Rand Water Board Pump Station - Office Block: n.d..
Royal Hotel: 1934.
SA Mutual Life Assurance Society Building: n.d..
Selborne Laerskool - Primary School - Sedibeng TVET College: pre 1950.
Shops, stand 480a, for Vereeniging Land Co: 1926.
Snowflake Granary: c1987.
Standard Bank: n.d. : 1936.
Stewarts and Lloyds Building: 1939.
Technical College: 1935.
Town Hall: 1920.
Union Steel Corporation (USCO) - Gasification Plant: 1950.
Union Steel Corporation (USCO) - Head Office: c1960. Three Rivers,
USCO Recreation Club: c1935.
Vaal Triangle Technicon Library & Forecourt: 1986.
Vereeniging Brick and Tile Recreation Centre - Vereeniging Refractories Recreation Centre: n.d..
Vereeniging Hospital: 1939.
Vereeniging Hospital - Kopanong Provincial Hospital: 1932.
Wagon bridge over the Vaal River: c1898.
Wheat Mill: 1987.