| Lexicon Georgian _____________________________________________________ An English style period spanning c. 1790 - 1836 including Adam and Regency periods. Its influence in Southern Africa was only after the second annexation of the Cape in 1806, finding a foothold in the Eastern Cape with the 1820 Settlers and being the predominant style in both the Cape and Natal Colonies until the 1860s. A sober New Classical style characterised by a will to try to create something new, not just a slavish copy of the original. Rectangular Georgian cottages predominated the Karoo, Eastern Cape and Natal villages with their recessed windows, internal chimneys, slate roofs and unadorned end gables. In dryer areas flat earth roofs 'Brakdakke' abound. An interesting variant is found in the fortification of Georgian homesteads and the Georgian Style military buildings on the Eastern Cape Frontier built during the mid 1800's. Buildings on this website in Georgian style