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Title:Dictionary of South African Biography Volume IV
Publisher:Butterworth & Co (SA) for Human Sciences Research Council

[Beyers, CJ (Editor-in-chief)]

Chapters/Entries in this book

Freeman, Charles

Picton-Seymour, Désirée166
Gray, Sophia

Gutsche, Thelma [?] with Langham-Carter, RR (co-operating author)196
Kendall, Franklin Kaye

Marriott Earle, L 272
Louw, Wynand Hendrik

Roodt, Leon324
Lowe, Clarence van Riet (Peter)

Mason, R325
Meischke, Mattheus Carel August

Semmelink, J356
Melvill, John

Langham-Carter, RR357
Murray, Charles

Maxwell-Mahon, WD383
Pearse, Geoffrey Eastcott

Radford, Dennis453
Porter, Harold Nixon

Karsten, Mia C468
Rissik, Johann Friedrich Bernhard

Allen, Vivienne506
St Leger, Charles Douglas

Langham-Carter, RR619
Tucker, John Scott

Meineke, EN665
Wocke, Richard Carl George Albert Theodor

Schoeman, Karel790

Buildings linked to this book

St Francis Anglican Church, after 1936, Parkview, Johannesburg, Gauteng. pp 619

People or firms linked to this book

FREEMAN, Charles AS. pp 166
GRAY, Sophia Wharton Myddleton (Sophy). pp 196
KENDALL, Franklin Kaye. pp 272-273
LOUW, Wynand Hendrik. pp 325-325
MEISCHKE, Mattheus Carel August. pp 356-357
MELVILL, John W. pp 357-358
MURRAY, Charles. pp 383
PEARSE, Geoffrey Eastcott. pp 453-454
PORTER, Harold Nixon. pp 468-469
RISSIK, Johann Friedrich Bernhard. pp 506-507
ST LEGER, Charles Douglas. pp 619-620
THIBAULT, Louis Michel. pp 357
TUCKER, John Scott. pp 665
VAN RIET LOWE, Clarence (Peter). pp 325-326
WOCKE, Richard Carl George Theodor (Snr). pp 790-791