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Post Office
Burgersdorp, Eastern Cape

Florence Wilgeforde (Wilgy) Agnes VANN-HALL: Artist tiled panels

Type:Post Office


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30°59'42.01" S 26°19'49.58" E Alt: 1398m

The Burgersdorp Post Office is an eclectic Cape Dutch Revival building with a substantial convexo-concavo gable to the entrance (south) elevation. The gable is elaborated with a substantial bulls-eye window surmounting an applied triangular pediment which in turn surmounts an applied three-bay portico module with entrance on either side.

The pediment records the construction date of 1933 in raised plaster numbers. A ram's head with spiral horns projects from below the apex of the pediment. A crest - presumably that of the town of Burgersdorp - and some repetitive geometric scrolls across the base completes the design.

The Post Office building is notable for the decorative painted tiled panels that were installed on the two street facades - a total of fourteen separate panels in three different sizes. All of the tiled panels were painted by Wilgy VANN-HALL of The Ceramic Studio and are dated 1933.

The tiled panels fall into two thematic categories, namely Postal Transport and Trekker Life. The dimensions provided for each panel are approximate and are derived from the standard size of a 6" x 6" tile (150 mm x 150 mm).

For ease of reference these panels have been identified on the West facade from W.1 to W.8 (l to r) and on the South facade from S.1 to S.6 (l to r).


PANEL W.1: Post delivery via runner with a cleft stick
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL W.2: Post delivery via man on horseback
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL W.3: Post delivery via Stagecoach
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL W.4: Post delivery via Steam locomotive with carriage
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL W.5: Trekkers: Ox wagon crossing a river
Rectangular format of 5 x 4 tiles (750 w x 600 h)

PANEL W.6: Trekkers: Ox wagon crossing a stream
Rectangular format of 5 x 4 tiles (750 w x 600 h)

PANEL W.7: Trekkers: Progress across extensive landscape and eventual settlement
Rectangular panoramic format of 28 1/3 x 3 tiles (4 245 w x 450 h)

PANEL W.8: Trekkers: Ox wagon with family cooking
Rectangular format of 5 x 4 tiles (750 w x 600 h)


PANEL S.1: Posting in cast iron Post Box
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL S.2: Post Office Delivery Van - with letters H.P.K. on side (possibly Hoof Pos Kantoor)
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL S.3: Transport by Steam Train with mail carriage
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL S.4: Transport by Mail Plane
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL S.5: Transport by Mail Ship
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)

PANEL S.6: Delivery by Postman
Square format of 3 x 3 tiles (450 w x 450 h)


Books that reference Post Office

Osthoff, Gernot . 2022. Post Office Murals of South Africa. South Africa: Gernot Osthoff. pg 46-47, 47-50 ill,