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House Cohen
Forest Town, Johannesburg, Gauteng

Amancio d’Alpoim Miranda (Pancho) GUEDES: Architect

Street:18 New Forest Road


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26°10'13.22" S 28°02'26.48" E Alt: 1678m

Johannesburg (Forest Town), South Africa, 1985

The Cohen House was a house with vaults and all of it in faced brick, outside and inside. When it was put to tender, the contractors quoted astronomical sums. So, I arranged for a Portuguese brick layer who built it perfectly. He worked with the help of young illegal Mozambicans who had fled the various wars in Mozambique.

Guedes, Amancio; Guedes, Pedro & Museu Colecçäo Berardo. Pancho Guedes: Vitruvius Mozambicanus, Lisbon, Portugal, Museu Colecçäo Berardo. 2009. pp 149


When seen in May 2010 this house was standing vacant and apparently vandalised - it could only be photographed from the street.