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Dal Josaphat district, Western Cape

Style:Cape Dutch


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33°43'15.90" S 19°00'08.33" E Alt: 141m

Until its restoration in the late C20 it was one of the few completely authentic examples of Cape Dutch architecture remaining at the Cape. Its elaborate Cape Rococo front gable is a fine example of the style. The front door is modern and the front facade windows now replica replacements. The rear gable is a simpler version of the front while the side gables are later, more simply styled holbol. One of the original stoep-corner seats was destroyed in the recent addition of a double-storeyed building. The interior, while renovated, retains much of the original woodwork.

For further information on the measured drawings see Pearse Collection.

Books that reference Nederburg

Hartdegen, Paddy. 1988. Our building heritage : an illustrated history. South Africa: Ryll's Pub. Co. on behalf of the National Development Fund for the Building Industry. pg 44
Hoefsloot, Ted (illustrations) & Pama, Cor (text). 1980. Cape Wine Homesteads. Johannesburg: AD Donker. pg 88 & 89 (ill)