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North-West University, Konservatorium - Conservatoire of Music
Potchefstroom, North West

Johan DE RIDDER: Design Architect

Style:Little Brazil


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26°41'28.01" S 27°05'54.04" E Alt: 1320m

Dramatic cruciform-shaped plan with an expressively shaped auditorium in the Little Brazil idiom.


  • Die musiekgeskiedenis van Potchefstroom begin bykans ’n eeu voor die Konservatorium gebou is. Die eerste musiekuitvoering op Potchefstroom, waarvan daar rekord is, was op 9 Augustus 1863 toe ’n groep met die naam De Harmonie ’n konsert aangebied het met ’n ambisieuse 21 items op die program.
  • In die jare daarna was verskeie musiekverenigings en -onderwysers op Potchefstroom bedrywig. In 1914 stig MM van der Bent en sy vrou, Florence, die Potchefstroom College of Music, gehuisves in ’n gebou in Potgieterstraat (tans Nelson Mandela-rylaan). Toe die Potchefstroomse Universiteitskollege (PUK) dié musiekskool in 1949 koop, was dit een van die belangrikste musiekinrigtings in die Wes-Transvaal.
  • Die PUK het reeds vroeër in die veertigerjare musieklesse aangebied. Teen 1945 is die Departement Musiek gestig en is Musiek erken as een van die hoofvakke vir ’n BA-graad. Die voltydse lektor was mnr Jacques Malan.
  • Die lewendige belangstelling in musiek in die gemeenskap van Potchefstroom was een van die redes wat die Universiteit oorreed het om die Konservatorium vir Praktiese Musiek te stig, waar studente onderrig in musiek kon ontvang. Die eerste hoof was ’n bekende en gesogte orrelis, MC (Maarten) Roode, wat onder meer opgetree het as die amptelike orrelis tydens die ingebruikneming van die Voortrekkermonument. Roode het in Julie 1949 by die PUK diens aanvaar.
  • Toe daar in 1950 begin is met onderrig aan die Konservatorium was daar 307 musiekleerlinge wat deur 14 leerkragte onderrig is. Onder Roode se bekwame leiding het die Konservatorium konstant gegroei. Die Konservatorium en die Departement Musiek het onafhanklik van mekaar bestaan tot in 1955, ná die vertrek van dr Jacques Malan, toe dit saamgevoeg is.
  • Roode het in 1953 professor geword en in 1956 met die samesmelting met die Departement Musiek ook hoof daarvan. Hy is op sestigjarige leeftyd in 1967 dood na ’n motorongeluk in Potchefstroom waarin sy vrou ook omgekom het.
  • Die eerste gebou wat vir musiekopleiding gebruik is, was die ou meule op die Oude Molen-terrein, waar die Konservatorium tans staan. Met die groei van die studentetal is lokale oral in die dorp benut, onder meer die ou Teologiese Skool, fasiliteite by nabygeleë skole en ’n huurhuis.
  • Daar is reeds in 1952 begin met die beplanning vir die bou van ’n Konservatorium en daarvoor is selfs buitelandse universiteite geraadpleeg.
  • Na deeglike oorweging is daar besluit om die gebou op die Oude Molen-terrein op te rig omdat die verwagte toename in motorverkeer vir uitvoerings slegs daar hanteer sou kon word.
  • Die argitek van die Konservatorium was Johan de Ridder, wat ’n moeilike taak op hande gehad het. Net £75 000 was beskikbaar terwyl die aanvanklike koste beraam is op £192 100. Dus moes daar grootliks afgeskaal word. Na afskaling het die planne voorsiening gemaak vir ’n gehoorsaal met 1 200 sitplekke, 20 klein oefenkamers, 12 ateljees, vier klaskamers en ’n biblioteek wat ook as diskoteek moes dien, twee orreloefenkamers, ’n instrumentepakkamer, drie kantore, ’n personeelkamer, kombuis, kleedkamers en toiletgeriewe. Die totale koste van £70 610 het lugreëling en toebehore uitgesluit en was dus steeds te veel.
  • Na verdere oorlegpleging is die orkesruimte in die gehoorsaal uitgesluit en is dit verklein tot 350 sitplekke. Die finale koste het £78 000 beloop.
  • Die orrel wat aanvanklik in die Konservatoriumsaal was, is deur ’n plaaslike orrelboufirma R Müller & Son gebou en is deur die hoof van die Konservatorium prof MC Roode self ontwerp. Dié orrel is later vanweë sy tegniese en artistieke tekortkominge nie meer gebruik nie en is in 1992 verwyder en in die Gereformeerde Kerk Wapadrant opgerig.
  • Die inwyding van die Konservatorium was ’n groot en belangrike geleentheid vir die Universiteit. Die amptelike opening was op 8 April 1960 en is deur die Kanselier van die Universiteit, dr FJ (Frans) du Toit, waargeneem. Ses konserte is vroeg in Mei 1960 aangebied as deel van die inwydingsprogram.
  • Een daarvan was ’n optrede deur die komponis, Arnold van Wyk, in ’n program wat in geheel uit sy werke bestaan het. Die SAUK Konsertorkes, onder leiding van Anton Hartman, het ook ’n konsert gehou.
  • Die Konservatorium is toe beskryf as die mees moderne in die Unie van Suid-Afrika en die Potchefstroomse Universiteit was die eerste universiteit in die land wat sy eie Konservatorium-gebou gehad het.
  • In 1963 is ’n verdere saal aan die agterkant aangebou en in 1974 is die orrelgehoorsaal en nuwe biblioteek/diskoteek in 1974 as deel van ’n driepverdiepingvleuel aangebou.
  • Tans huisves die Konservatorium die Skool vir Musiek, soos die ou Departement Musiek sedert 2003 bekend staan.
  • Fasiliteite by die Konservatorium sluit in die Konservatoriumsaal met 372 sitplekke, terwyl die orrelsaal met sy barokorrel ongeveer 100 sitplekke het.
  • Die Pretorius musiekstudio huisves talle antieke stukke en waardevolle Suid-Afrikaanse kunswerke en het sitplek vir 80. Benewens die musiekbiblioteek is daar ook twee lesingsale en enkele ateljees, ongeveer 30 oefenkamers, hoofsaaklik elk toegerus met ’n klavier, terwyl twee oefenorrels bevat.


  • The music history of Potchefstroom started almost a century before the Conservatory was built. The first music recital, of which we have a record, was on 9 August 1863 when a group by the name De Harmonie held a concert and had an ambitious 21 items on the programme.
  • In the years that followed various musical societies and teachers were active in Potchefstroom. In 1914 MM van der Bent and his wife, Florence, founded the Potchefstroom College of Music, which was situated in a building in Potgieter Street (currently Nelson Mandela Drive). When the Potchefstroom University College (PUC) bought this music school in 1949, it was regarded as one of the most important music institutions in the Transvaal.
  • The PUC made music lessons available earlier in the forties. By 1945 the Department of Music was founded and Music was accredited as one of the main subjects for a BA degree. The permanent lecturer was Mr Jacques Malan.
  • The active interest that the Potchefstroom community had in music, was one of the reasons which convinced the PUC to create the Academy for Practical Music (Konservatorium vir Praktiese Musiek) where students could receive instruction in music. The first head was the much sought-after organist, MC (Maarten) Roode, who, amongst other accomplishments, was the official organist during the official opening of the Voortrekker Monument. Roode assumed duty at the PUC in July 1949.
  • When instruction at the Conservatory started in 1950, there were 307 pupils, taught by 14 music teachers. Under the capable leadership of Roode, the Conservatory grew constantly. The Conservatory and Department of Music initially existed apart from each other until 1955, but after the departure of Dr Jacques Malan, they were amalgamated.
  • Roode became a professor in 1955 and with the amalgamation in 1956, also became head of the Department of Music. He died at the age of sixty in 1967 after a car accident in Potchefstroom, during which his wife also passed away.
  • The first building to be used for music instruction, was the old mill on the Oude Molen grounds, where the Conservatory stands today. With the growth in student numbers facilities were used all over town, amongst others the old Theological School, rooms in nearby schools and a rented house.
  • Plans to build the Conservatory were already made in 1952 and in order to do so universities overseas were consulted.
  • After serious consideration, it was decided to build it on the Oude Molen grounds since the increase in traffic with recitals could only be dealt with there.
  • The architect for the Conservatory was Johan de Ridder, which had a difficult task on his hands. Only £75 000 was available, whilst the initial costs was calculated at £912 100. Subsequently the plans had to be considerably scaled down. Afterwards the plans made provision for an auditorium with 1 200 seats, 20 small practice rooms, 12 studios, four classrooms and a library, which also had to serve as a discotheque, two organ practice rooms, a storage room for instruments, three offices, a staff room, kitchen, cloakrooms and toilet facilities. The total cost was £70 610, which excluded air-conditioning and fittings and was thus still too much.
  • After further consultation, the orchestra pit was excluded from the auditorium and it was down-sized to 350 seats. The final building costs were £78 000.
  • The organ that was initially installed in the auditorium of the Conservatory was built by a local firm, R Müller & Son and was designed by the head of the Conservatory, Prof MC Roode, himself. This organ was later, due to technical and artistic deficiencies, not used anymore. It was removed in 1992 and installed in the Reformed Church Wapadrant in Pretoria.
  • The inauguration of the Conservatory was a big and important event for the University. The official inauguration was on 8 April 1960 and was performed by the Chancellor of University, Dr FJ (Frans) du Toit. Six concerts were presented early in May 1960 as part of the inauguration programme.
  • One of those was a concert by the composer, Arnold van Wyk, in a programme that existed only of his works. The SABC Concert Orchestra, under the baton of Anton Hartman, also held a concert.
  • The Conservatory was then described as the most modern in the Union of South Africa and the Potchefstroom University was the first university in the country to have its own conservatory building.
  • In 1963 a further hall was built at the back of the building and in 1974 the organ auditorium and new library/discotheque was added as part of a three storey wing.
  • Currently the Conservatory houses the School of Music as the old Department of Music is known since 2003.
  • Facilities at the Conservatory include the Conservatory Hall or auditorium with 372 seats, whereas the organ auditorium with its baroque organ has 100 seats.
  • The Pretorius Music Studio houses several antique pieces, including valuable South African art and has seating for 80. Apart from the music library, there are also two lecture halls, a few studios, about 30 practice rooms, all mainly equipped with pianos, as well as two practice organs.

(Lennie Gouws, August 2022)