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House Chaplin - Marienhof - Brenthurst
Parktown, Johannesburg, Gauteng

BAKER, MASEY and SLOPER: Architect
George Esslemont Gordon LEITH: Architect

Date:1904 : 1935
Client:Drummond and Marguerite Chaplin


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26°10'21.91" S 28°02'43.59" E Alt: 1731m

Originally designed by Sir Herbert BAKER for Drummond and Marguerite Chaplin named Marienhof, it later became the home of Sir Ernest and Lady Oppenheimer and the name was changed to Brenthurst. The house was altered by LEITH in 1935. During the Second World War it was used as a hospital for plastic surgery.

(UWA:O5; UWA:O6 see LEITH archive)

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference House Chaplin - Marienhof - Brenthurst

Greig, Doreen. 1970. Herbert Baker in South Africa. Cape Town: PURNELL. pg 129 ill
Keath, Michael. 1992. Herbert Baker: Architecture and Idealism 1892 - 1913: The South African Years. Gibraltar: Ashanti Pub. Ltd.. pg 100, 113, 116, 120 ill-121, 181
MacMillan, Allister & Rosenthal, Eric. 1948. Homes of the Golden City. Cape Town: Hortors. pg 55 ill
Viney, Graham with Proust, Alain (Photography). 1987. Colonial houses of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik-Winchester. pg 221-229