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Click to view map Coordinates: | 2015: also called Melodi ya Tshwane In Julie 1903 is die hoeksteen van die nuwe kerk – die Grootkerk, soos dit algemeen bekendstaan – op die hoek van Bosman- en Vermeulenstraat deur genl. Louis Botha gelê en in die daaropvolgende jaar ingewy. Hierdie gebou het toe £25 000 gekos, insluitende orrel, banke ens. Ná 46 jaar van ononderbroke en getroue gebruik het die ou Grootkerk egter al ernstige tekens van verwering getoon, veral aan die steenwerk (buite) en die dak, sodat die kerkraad verplig was om hierdie geskiedkundige gebou geheel en al te hernu. Op 10 Junie 1950 is die hernude gebou – 'n werk wat nie onder £16 000 gekos het nie – vir die tweede keer plegtig ingewy. (Morné van Rooyen, August 2015) Church Square used to house the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk building in Pretoria, with the open space around it used as ‘outspan’ during the quarterly communions. After the Anglo-Boer War the Dutch Reformed Church sold the square to the town authorities and used the proceeds to build two new churches, the one in Du Toit Street (Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk) and the Bosman Street Church. Both were designed by architects JG Kraan and JB Weijers, but Klaas van VAN RIJSSE acted as consultant to the architects as well. The Bosman Street Church is the largest and grandest. Designed in the Neo-Dutch Renaissance with strong Neo-Classical influence, this church has its aesthetic origin in the Dutch Golden Age of the 1600s. In July 1903, the cornerstone of the new church - the "Grootkerk" (Great Church), as it is commonly known - on the corner of Bosman and Vermeulen was laid by Gen. Louis Botha and inaugurated the following year. The building cost £25 000, including organ pews etc. The interior of the church is spectacular, its roof freely spanning the whole of the church. After 46 years of continuous and faithful use the old "Grootkerk" showed all the signs of severe erosion, especially the brickwork (outside) and the roof, so the council was obliged to replace this historic building totally. On 10 June 1950 the renewed building - a work that cost in excess of £16,000 - was formally consecrated for the second time. (Pretoriana Apr 1957:30, 31; S v d Stel Bull Oct 1963:58) All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon. Books that reference Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Grootkerk