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Downing Mansions
Johannesburg, Gauteng

George Esslemont Gordon LEITH: Architect

Type:Flats with shops to street
Street:Eloff/Plein Sts

(SAB Jun 1931:47; SAB suppl Jul 1931:27 ill; UWA:D8)

Cumming George 1933

DOWNING MANSIONS, situated at the corner of Eloff and Klein Streets, which was completed in 1932, is an ungarnished addition to Johannesburg's utilitarian street facades.

The building, originally designed for ten storeys, is as yet incomplete, the portion constructed only serving as a stratified base for the crowning features which are ultimately to complete the composition.

A feature of the building is the spaciousness of the apartments and the amount of light and cross ventilation introduced by means of two open courtyards.

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Downing Mansions

Cumming-George, L. 1933. Architecture in South Africa - Volume One. Cape Town: The Speciality Press of S.A. Ltd.. pg 41, 42 ill
Fisher, RC, Le Roux, SW & Maré, E (Eds). 1998. Architecture of the Transvaal. Pretoria: UNISA. pg 128, 175-196, 128, 175-196, 214, 215, 216