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| | Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Wakkerstroom, Mpumalanga AL KLUTE: Architect GEERS and GEERS: Architect
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Click to view mapCoordinates: 27°21'15.71" S 30°08'32.09" E Alt: 1774m | | Die eerste hoeksteen is op 27 Oktober 1888 deur kmdt.genl. P.J. Joubert gelê. Die bouaannemer was A.L. Klute. Ná herbouings is die tweede hoeksteen op 5 Oktober 1946 gelê. Die argitek was Geers & Geers en die bouaannemer was F.P. van Heerden.
(Morné van Rooyen)
The first cornerstone was laid on 27 October 1888 by Cmdt.Gen. P.J. Joubert. The Contractor was A.L. Klute. After renovations the second cornerstone was laid on 5 October 1945. The architect was Geers & Geers and the contractor was F.P. van Heerden.
Books that reference Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk Hoevers, Jan. 2005. Van Kerke en Dorpe. Historiese vertellinge oor die oudste kerke en dorpe in Suid-Afrika. Centurion: Publiself Uitgewers. pg 146 | Hoevers, Jan. 2012. Geskiedkundige kerke : 'n Gids tot 50 tradisionele kerke. Pretoria: Kontak-uitgewers. pg 101-102 | Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pg 214 | Menache, Philippe & David, Darryl Earl. 2010. 101 Country Churches of South Africa. South Africa: Booktown Richmond Press. pg 60 | Menache, Philippe & Wolff, Helmut . 2021. die NG Kerk, ons erfenis : 'n fotoversameling van die argitektoniese skatte van 139 NG kerke in SA. Not identified: Not identified. pg 122 | Oxley, John. 1992. Places of Worship in South Africa. Halfway House: Southern Book Publishers. pg 162-163 | Schoeman, Karel. 1982. Vrystaatse erfenis : Bouwerk en geboue in die 19de eeu. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. pg 52 |
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