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Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk
Willowmore, Eastern Cape

Carl Otto HAGER: Architect

Type:Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Church
Status:Demolished 1963


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33°17'37.17" S 23°29'28.14" E

Dit is onseker of Carl Otto Hager wel die ou kerkgebou van die NG gemeente Willowmore ontwerp het, want die kerkraadsnotule maak nie melding van 'n argitek nie en die gemeente se gedenkboek (1864–1964) sê die Engelse bouers het dit ontwerp in die Neogotiese styl waarmee hulle vertroud was van vorige opdragte. Die gebou is in 1878 ingewy en einde 1963 gesloop.

(Morné van Rooyen, 2015)

It is not certain that Carl Otto Hager did indeed design the old church for the DR congregation of Willowmore as the minutes of the church council do not mention an architect and the congregation's festschrift (1864-1964) claims the English builders designed the church in the Neo-Gothic style in which they were familiar from previous assignments. The building was inaugurated in 1878 and demolished at the end of 1963.

The church was replaced by the new church which was completed in 1964.

For more information on the NG gemeente Willowmore see Wikipedia

Books that reference Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Krige, Ode. 2015. Carl Otto Hager : argitek tot eer van God, 1813-1898. Hermanus: Hemel & See Boeke. pg 129, 154, 203, 205
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pg 113
Radford, D. 1979. The architecture of the Western Cape, 1838-1901. A study of the impact of Victorian aesthetics and technology on South African architecture. Johannesburg: Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Dept of Arch. University of the Witwatersrand. pg 117