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Union Castle Building
Johannesburg, Gauteng

Thomas Newhall DUNCAN: Design Architect
MOFFAT and HARVEY: Architect

Street:93 Commisioner St


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26°12'19.29" S 28°02'29.66" E Alt: 1770m

(SAAR Dec 1939:449, 504)

This building was designed in 1938 by J.A. Moffatt & T.N. Duncan as the Johannesburg office of the Union Castle Mail Steamship Company Limited, founded in 1853 by Donald Currie whose name is associated with competitions in cricket and rugby. Until 1977 the Union Castle line had regular passenger and freight services between South Africa and England which also carried the mail.

(The Heritage Portal)

All truncated references not fully cited below are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.

Books that reference Union Castle Building

van der Waal, Gerhard-Mark. 1987. From Mining Camp to Metropolis - The buildings of Johannesburg 1886-1940. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council. pg 200 ill, 201