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Addington Hospital
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Philip Maurice DUDGEON: Architect 1877
William STREET-WILSON: Architect 1892
John Stockwin CLELAND: Architect c1925

Date:1877 : 1892 : c1925


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29°51'42.47" S 31°02'29.87" E Alt: 13m

Designed by PM Dudgeon in 1877 additions were done by W Street-Wilson in 1892 and again by JS Cleland c1925.

Books that reference Addington Hospital

Berman, Esmé. 1983. Art and artists of South Africa: An illustrated biographical dictionary and historical survey of painters, sculptors and graphic artists since 1875. Cape Town : Balkema. pg 53, 54
Hillebrand, Melanie. 1975. Aspects of architecture in Natal, 1880-1914. Pietermaritzburg: Unpublished MA. Dept Fine Art and History of Art, University of Natal. pg 169, 205-6
Martin, Marilyn H. 1980. Philip Maurice Dudgeon, architect: his work in Natal during period 1877-1888 seen against his background of Victorian Britain and Natal. Johannesburg: Unpublished MArch. thesis University of the Witwatersrand. pg 61