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Standard Bank
Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng

STUCKE and HARRISON: Architect

Street:Church Square


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25°44'49.83" S 28°11'18.66" E

(SAB Apr 1934: xxiii; Stucke exhib cat no 22)

Cumming-George 1934

THE Standard Bank, Pretoria, cannot fail to impress the newcomer, as it dominates and overlooks the beautiful open Church Square and its well laid-out gardens.

The base is heavily rusticated and the upper part is boldly treated after the classical Ionic order, being relieved by colonnaded loggias on the north side and a pilaster treatment on the west facade.

The entrance, which forms the base to the very imposing central feature in the Church Square facade, is fitted with fine heavy bronze doors surmounted by a solid bronze transome and grille. The upper part of this main entrance consists of a large bronze semi-circular-headed window three storeys in height, with the main cornice arched over it to emphasise the entrance to the Bank.

The semi-circular entrance hall at Church Square has the body of the walls panelled in green marble, rising to the lighter shades and surmounted by a moulded cornice of Belgium black above which is the domed ceiling in moulded white plaster. The heavily moulded architraves over the two doorways are striking features. The floor is of pale green mosaic relieved by a guilloche pattern border in black mosaic.

The magnificent banking hall is nearly one hundred feet (30.5 m) long. It is eighty-six feet (26.2 m) wide and twenty-four feet (7.3 m) in height. It is lighted by numerous windows set in a huge drum and cupola, carried on ten cantilever beams supported by ten marble columns with bronze bases. The hall panelled in dark mahogany presents a striking contrast. One of the main features of this hall is the circular mahogany counter standing on a black marble base.

There is a joint general manager's suite comprising the waiting-room, the manager's own room, various offices, and the entrance lobby in which is a messenger's lodge and enquiry office.

Three passenger lifts serve the bank, two of which have electrically-operated car gates. There is also a bullion lift serving two floors.

Books that reference Standard Bank

Cumming-George, L. 1934. Architecture in South Africa - Volume Two. Cape Town: The Speciality Press of S.A. Ltd.. pg 59-60
Swart, Johan & Proust, Alain . 2019. Hidden Pretoria. Cape Town: Struik Lifestyle. pg 158-159, 164-165