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Click to view map Coordinates: | 1929: Alterations and additions by WH GRANT (Pryce-Lewis list 15 491). Bordeaux was originally a house, built for Pieter Marais c1864. It was later the home of Sir Jacobus Graaff. Photographs show that the house was originally single-storeyed, with a central 2-storey turret. Graaff added a second storey to the house and a third to the turret. The house was converted into an hotel in the late 1920s, and demolished in 1958, to make way for a large block of flats, also named Bordeaux a very large nine-storey block of luxury flats. According to the City of Cape Town Official Guide (1950), the hotel had 73 rooms but only 14 bathrooms. (Arthur Radburn, December 2024) Books that reference Bordeaux Hotel