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Erritt Lodge - Kelston
Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape

Johannes Egbertus VIXSEBOXSE: Architect 1894
Sir Herbert BAKER: Architect 1898 additions
Date:1894 : 1898
Style:Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens
Status:Demolished c1960
Street:70 Harfield Road

(Pryce-Lewis list item 75)

Original date 1894, additions were made in 1898.

One of the early villas built along Harfield Road, Kenilworth, in the 1890s (see also 'Lidcote'). It was built for Sir Somerset French, a senior civil servant. Later renamed 'Kelston', it was demolished c1960, and replaced with 'Kelston' flats. (Arthur Radburn, December 2023)