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Newtown Urban Development Framework
Johannesburg, Gauteng

Althea PEACOCK: Principal Architect

Type:Urban Development


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26°12'06.82" S 28°01'42.46" E Alt: 1712m

Women in Architecture - I am Architect: SAIA News. 12 August 2019.


Although not a building this project represents the values and ethos of my practice. Confronting spatial (urban) inequity in tandem with conversations with around identity and difference in a highly contested space is part of the work of making building/architecture, space/place within a relevant contextual response.

This project allowed me and my team to immerse ourselves in uncomfortable debates and therefore challenge ourselves as designers. It drew on our unique perspectives and allowed for a voice which is not historically part of making urban environments or policy.

It was a challenging and highly rewarding process that allowed us to confront difference, test new methods of how we work and reconfigure our approaches to interacting with our clients - the community if Newtown.

(Althea Peackock, August 2019. Submitted by William MARTINSON)