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Gereformeerde kerk Windhoek-Suid, Deo Gloria-sentrum
Windhoek, Namibia

Theo HEESAKKERS: Architect

Type:Community Centre


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22°35'37.36" S 17°03'42.76" E Alt: 1695m

Windhoek-Suid het op 22 Oktober 1988 van die moedergemeente Windhoek afgestig en as bruidskat ’n erf by Schlettweinstraat 64, Pionierspark, ontvang. Die kerkraad het beplan vir ’n meerdoelige kerksentrum wat sewe dae per week gebruik kon word en met sitplek vir 700 mense, ’n moederskamer en kombuis. Die argitek was Theo Heesakkers. Vanweë die skuins ligging van die erf kon vyf katkisasielokale en ’n eenslaapkamerwoonstel onder die saal ingepas word.

Die Deo Gloria-sentrum se hoeksteen is in Oktober 1993 gelê en ’n jaar later is dit in gebruik geneem. ’n Tweedehandse orrel is gekoop en los stoele is gebruik. Banke is juis nie aangebring nie omdat die sentrum meerdoelig moet wees.

(Morné van Rooyen, 2016)

Windhoek South seceded from the mother church Windhoek on 22 October 1988 and as dowry received a plot at 64 Schlettwein Street, Pioneer Park. The council had planned for a multi-purpose church center that could be used seven days a week, with seating for 700 people, a mother room and kitchen. The architect was Theo Heesakkers. Because of the skew position of the property five confirmation rooms and a one-bedroom flat is fitted under the hall.

The Deo Gloria Centre's cornerstone was laid in October 1993 and a year later it opened. A second organ was purchased and occasional chairs were used. Pews were not made for the center which is multipurpose.