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Westbrooke / De Kleine Schuur / now Genadendal
Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape

Type:Official Residence

Westbrooke was bought in 1911 for Viscount Gladstone, first Governor-General of the Union of South Africa (1910-14). The official Cape Town residence of the President of South Africa. The name was changed to Genadendal in 1995. See the website of the Presidency.

Books that reference Westbrooke / De Kleine Schuur / now Genadendal

Mills, Gwen. 1982. Westbrooke 1982. Cape Town: South African Cultural History Museum. pg All
Simons, Phillida Brooke, Proust, Alain & Martin, Leni. 1996. Groote Schuur : Great Granary to Stately Home. Cape Town: Fernwood Press. pg 9-12, 29-30, 34, 36, 40, 47–49