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Fort Linsingen
Komgha district, Eastern Cape




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32°34'30.85" S 28°10'05.71" E Alt: 66m

Earthen redoubt 3.6m square, revetted with galvanised iron and plank-lined inside was built in the Tyityaba Valley at the confluence of the Tyityaba and Great Kei Rivers. It was named after Captain (later Major) Baron Wilhelm Carl Ferdinand von Linsingen who arrived in South Africa in the 1880s as Captain in the 2nd Regiment of the British German Legionaries.
(extracted from Coetzee 1995:581)

Books that reference Fort Linsingen

Burton, Alfred William. 1950. Sparks from the Border Anvil. King William's Town: Provincial Pub. Co.. pg 170, Plate LII
Coetzee, Colin. 1995. Forts of the Eastern Cape : Securing a frontier 1799 - 1878. Grahamstown: Colin G Coetzee. pg 581