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Border Light Horse Drill Hall (Charing Cross) : Town Hall
Komgha, Eastern Cape

Date:1899 : 1932
Type:Drill Hall


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32°34'35.32" S 27°53'32.39" E Alt: 634m

The Border Light Horse, under the leadership of Captain (later General) G. A. Brabant, constructed the face-brick Drill Hall in 1899. The building was apparently known by the regiment as 'Charing Cross'.

The Municipality purchased the building in 1932 for use as the Town Hall. At this stage the raised plaster letters recording DRILL HALL - above the entrance door on the north side - were modified by replacing DRILL with TOWN and adding in the Afrikaans translation, to read TOWN HALL - STAD SAAL. The difference in the font used is clearly visible.

Various additions were subsequently made on the east side to accommodate Municipal offices. The building was badly damaged by a fire in the 1990's but was restored to its former condition.

Edited and extended from notes compiled by Valerie McCune, Komgha, 2015.

(Submitted by William MARTINSON)