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NZASM Eastern Line Staff Row Housing
Middelburg, Mpumalanga

NZASM: Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij: Architect

Type:Row Houses


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25°46'15.23" S 29°28'02.61" E

Semi-detached houses with later brickwork to verandahs.

For more information on these types of houses see:

De Jong, RC, Van der Waal, GM & Heydenrych, DH. 1988. NZASM 100 : 1887-1899, the buildings, steam engines and structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company

Wasserfall, Jaco. 1989. Early Mine and Railway Houses in South Africa : a two part study of ideology and design in working class houses

Bakker, Karel A; Clarke, Nicholas J & Fisher, Roger C. 2014. Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa