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Houw Hoek Pass reconstruction
Botrivier district, Western Cape

Andrew Geddes BAIN: Engineer
Client:South African Roads
Type:Mountain Pass

First constructed by MICHELL in 1831 under instruction to keep the costs to a minimum the pass did not last so rebuilt by Bain. One of the danger areas, later eliminated in the early C20 when a railway line was pushed through the kloof was called the Higgledy Piggledy or Poespas Pass.

Books that reference Houw Hoek Pass reconstruction

Coyne, Patrick. 2010. A guide to South Africa's mountain passes and poorts. Westville: Osborne Porter Literary Services. pg 62-63
Potgieter, DJ (Editor-in-chief). 1972. Standard Encyclopaedia of South Africa [SESA] Volume 5 For-Hun. Cape Town: Nasou. pg 612
Ross, Graham. 2002. The romance of Cape mountain passes. Cape Town: David Philip. pg 78-80
Whitehead, Marion . 2018. South Africa's Favourite Passes + Poorts. Maitland: Map Studio. pg 68-69, 71, 80