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Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk
Malmesbury, Western Cape

TUPPEN and STONESTREET: Architect 1860
Samuel STONESTREET: Design Architect 1860
Charles AS FREEMAN: Architect 1899

Date:1860 : 1899
Type:Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk - Church


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33°27'47.21" S 18°43'51.43" E Alt: 130m

The church was completed in 1860 but two years later part of the building collapsed, it was restored and in 1864 a tower was added. The tower collapsed in 1877 and was rebuilt in 1880. The church was enlarged in 1899 by C FREEMAN.

Books that reference Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Fransen, Hans. 2004. The old buildings of the Cape. A survey of extant architecture from before c1910 in the area of Cape Town - Calvinia - Colesberg - Uitenhage. Johannesburg & Cape Town: Jonathan Ball Publishers. pg 322
Hoevers, Jan. 2005. Van Kerke en Dorpe. Historiese vertellinge oor die oudste kerke en dorpe in Suid-Afrika. Centurion: Publiself Uitgewers. pg 67
Hoevers, Jan. 2012. Geskiedkundige kerke : 'n Gids tot 50 tradisionele kerke. Pretoria: Kontak-uitgewers. pg 83-84
Maeder, GA & Zinn, C. 1917. Ons kerk album van Hollandsche kerken en leeraren. Capetown: Cape Times. pg 38
Menache, Philippe & David, Darryl Earl. 2012. A Platteland Pilgrimage : 102 country churches of South Africa . South Africa: Booktown Richmond Press. pg 11
Menache, Philippe & Wolff, Helmut . 2021. die NG Kerk, ons erfenis : 'n fotoversameling van die argitektoniese skatte van 139 NG kerke in SA. Not identified: Not identified. pg 62
Radford, D. 1979. The architecture of the Western Cape, 1838-1901. A study of the impact of Victorian aesthetics and technology on South African architecture. Johannesburg: Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Dept of Arch. University of the Witwatersrand. pg 134
Richardson, Deirdré. 2001. Historic Sites of South Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. pg 117