Entrance Elevation
Photographer: William Martinson

Entrance Elevation
Photographer: William Martinson

Gable detail
Photographer: William Martinson

Aerial view showing city context
Photographer: Mike Bell - 2016

Main entrance and right hand wing
Photographer: Marieke Kuijpers - 2016

VOC emblem on gable
Photographer: Nicholas Clarke - 2016

Statue of Neptune on gable
Photographer: Nicholas Clarke - 2016

Statue of Mercury on gable
Photographer: Nicholas Clarke - 2016

Entrance gates
Photographer: Marieke Kuijpers - 2016

2c Stamp - 1982 07 15 from Fourth Definitive Series First Day Cover

Caption with stamp:
2c Tuynhuys, Cape Town The original dwelling was erected in the Company Gardens by Gov. W.A. van der Stel in 1700. The restored Tuynhuys is at present one of the State President's two official Cape Town residences. Drawing by AH Barrett

Click for full cover

Government House
Source: 'Cape Town and the Picturesque Peninsula', published by the Cape Times, 1920s
From the Collections of Parliament, Acc No 39800 (50)
Submitted by Lila Komnick

Photographer: Arthur Elliott

Drawing 248 of 365 by Shaun Gaylard

Click for larger image

Information on Government House from the Cape Town Guide of 1897
Submitted by Lila Komnick

Receipt from Schutte to William Jones for work at Government House
From Parliament’s collections. Acc No 39859 (25).
Submitted by Lila Komnick

Interior of the Ball Room. Showing British Regency influences, it was built during Lord Charles Somerset's time. It is the same room - but with different furniture - depicted in Fig. 61 on page 50 of of the 1960 edition of prof. Geoffrey Pearce's book "Eighteenth Century Furniture in South Africa".
Source: UP Space
Photographer: Unidentified