Oblique view from north east
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Foundation stone

Submitted by William MARTINSON

Photographer: Sarah Welham - 2015

Oblique view of tower after fire
Photographer: Francois Swanepoel - 2001

Tower after fire
Photographer: Francois Swanepoel - 2001

Tower and roof after restoration
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

East elevation
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Decorative key stone
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Cartouche with date MCMX - 1910
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Detail of column capital
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Oblique view of 1928 building
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

North elevation
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Gable above window with date - 1928
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Gable above window with South African Railways emblem - SAR
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Detail of South African Railways emblem
Photographer: Paul van der Merwe - 2015

Oblique view of north elevation
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Detail of arches on north elevation
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Oblique view of east elevation
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Central bay on east elevation
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Foundation stone
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Framed information plaque
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

Clerestory window
Photographer: William Martinson - 2018

A scanned portion of Plate 18: New Railway Station / Old Station Yard - two photographs circa 1913 documenting the newly completed Pretoria Railway Station, from:

The City of Pretoria and Districts. A Official Handbook describing the Social, Official, Farming, Mining, and General Progress and Possibilities of the Administrative Capital and Surrounding Districts. Publicity Department, South African Railways, Government Printer, Pretoria, 1913. Submitted by William MARTINSON.

Photographer: Scanned image

A scanned portion of Plate 40: Railway Station - a 'collage' of four photographs circa 1913 documenting the newly completed Pretoria Railway Station, from:

The City of Pretoria and Districts. A Official Handbook describing the Social, Official, Farming, Mining, and General Progress and Possibilities of the Administrative Capital and Surrounding Districts. Publicity Department, South African Railways, Government Printer, Pretoria, 1913. Submitted by William MARTINSON.

Photographer: Scanned image

Front elevation

Ref: Macmillan, Allister (Comp. & Edit.) Circa 1935. Environs of The Golden City and Pretoria. Cape Times Ltd. Cape Town. pp 414

Submitted by William MARTINSON

Photographer: Allister Macmillan

The Pretoria railway station in 1924. From the collections of the Library of Parliament, Acc. No. 1656 (180).
Submitted by Lila Komnick

Photographer: C F Stokes, SA Railways Publicity Dept. – 1924

Drawing 34 of 365 by Shaun Gaylard

Click for larger image

Distant view from north
Submitted by Kathy Munro

From an early photograph album

Photographer: R.S. Watson

Crowd gathered in front of building
Submitted by Kathy Munro

From an early photograph album

Photographer: R.S. Watson