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LESLIE, Francis Seymour

Born: 1851 10 15
Died: 1925

Military Engineer / Architect

Hon ARIBA 1918

A ROYAL ENGINEER, educated in Paris, at Stubbington House in Fareham, Surrey and at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. He was commissioned in the Royal Engineers in 1871. Leslie became a Lieutenant in 1871 and subsequently was promoted to Captain, Major and Lieutenant-Colonel in 1898. In 1888 he married Annie Isabella Major (1847-1921), born in Sierra Leone as a British Subject by parentage, with whom he had five children. He was responsible for preparation and maintenance of the concentration camps during the Anglo-Boer War. He was also an artist. At that time many army officers were trained in drawing and it was not unusual for them to develop a wider interest in art. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in 1903 and was at one point Vice-President of the Society of Architects (n.d.). and recorded as an Examiner in Science for the ROYAL ENGINEERS in his retirement.

He died in London in 1925

Books citing LESLIE

Brodie, Antonia (Editor). 1993. Directory of British Architects, 1834-1914: Vol. 2 (L-Z). London: Mansell. pp 40

Brown, SM. 1969. Architects and others: an annotated list of people of South African interest appearing in the RIBA Journal 1880-1925. Johannesburg: Unpublished dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand. pp