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| | CLUYSENAER, Jacobus LeonardusBorn: 1843 05 11 Died: 1932 08 08Engineer |
Also Cluijsenaer, a railways engineer, born in Breda, Netherlands and died in 's-Gravenhage there. Son of Dirk Gijsbert Louis Frederik Cluijsenaer, and Jacoba Maria Mersen Senn van Basel. In 1868 07 16 he married Helena Petronella van Woelderen from which issue were six sons and a daughter. He divorced in 1895 11 28 and in 1896 03 16 married Anna Jacoba Hooreman, in a childless union. The following year he and RWJC van den Wall Bake entered the employ of the the Netherlands South African Railway Company (NZASM), of which he was one of the directors. The main task of the board was initially securing financing, but Cluysenaer traveled to Pretoria in April 1888 to organize the work on the line to Lourenço Marques. He succeeded RAI SNETHLAGE as Chief Engineer for NZASM. As an engineer he contracted several of his former colleagues from Sumatra. His work for the NZASM however, would only be short-lived, because the Dutch State Railway after the sudden departure of Director General Vrolik, called on him to take over the lead. He came back in January 1890 to Utrecht, although he was still a commissioner of the NZASM. He was replaced by GAA MIDDELBERG on 01 January 1890. He was made an offer in 1893 to be director executive in theZAR [Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek], which, after some prevarication, he declined. See Biographical Dictionary of the Netherlands 1880-2000 for further details. Books citing CLUYSENAER Anonymous [Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaanse Spoorwegmaatschappij]. [c.1909]. In Memoriam N.Z.A.S.M. Amsterdam: JH De Bussy. pp 9, 143
| De Jong, RC, Van der Waal, GM. 1988. NZASM 100 : 1887-1899, the buildings, steam engines and structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company. Pretoria: C. Van Rensburg Publications on behalf of the Human Sciences Research Council. pp 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 71
| Van Winter, PJ. 1938. Onder Krugers Hollanders : Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij. Tweede Deel. Amsterdam: JH de Bussy. pp 145, 160