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Established: 1904
Ended: 1906


The Johannesburg association between GAH DICKSON and R McCOWAT circa 1904-1906: both practised from separate addresses. The two were placed third in the competition for the Rand Regiments' Memorial held in 1904 but assessed only in 1906 when advantage was taken of 'the advent ... of TE Collcutt, the eminent English architect' to Johannesburg (SAAE&S Jnl Oct 1906:3) (Collcutt assessed the competition for the Transvaal University College while he was in Johannesburg. Dickson & McCowat were placed third in the former competition and second in the latter. LUTYENS eventually designed the Rand Regiments' Memorial in 1910, STUCKE & BANNISTER having won the competition. According to Picton-Seymour (1977:343-5, 352-3), His Majesty's Theatre and the Empire Theatre (1906) in Johannesburg were designed by McINTOSH & MOFFAT with Dickson & McCowat.

(Picton-Seymour 1977; SAAE&S Jnl Aug 1906:156-58; SAAE&S Jnl Oct 1906:3)

All truncated references not fully cited in 'References' are those of Joanna Walker's original text and cited in full in the 'Bibliography' entry of the Lexicon.