BArch (Pret); MArch (Calif).
In 1959 he was recorded as a salaried member of the TPIA although resident in the USA of address 1760, Walnut Street, Berkley 9, California. By 1969 he is recorded as a member of both the TPIA and the NIA
Was a founder member of the Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa in 1962.
In 1969 he is recorded as principal of the firm PAUW and BOTHA of address Pretorium Bulding, 630 Church Street, Pretoria, Transvaal. and of the firm PAUW, BOTHA and FAIR of address 904 Green Market Building, Green Market Square, Cape Town, Cape Province.
PIA In Memorium
We have ... learnt of the death of Mr Roelf Botha on 3 August 1998. His notable contribution in the field of architecture, landscape architecture, and various fields outside of architecture would kindly be remembered by the profession.
We offer our sincere condolences to his family.
Shelagh NATION, submitted by Arthur BARKER) List of projects With photographs With notes
House Botha - Omenom: 1970. Keurbooms, Western Cape - Architect
| Strijdom Monument: 1972. Tshwane (Pretoria), Gauteng - Architect
Books citing BOTHA |