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Replaced W VERWEIJ in 1893 as Chief Engineer of the NZASM. Recorded in Longman's Directory of 1899 as being resident in Skinner Street East and Working in Market St as Chief Engineer of Construction and Maintenance Department for the NZASM. Breuning went on to become the second director of the Noordoosterlocaalspoorweg-maatschappij (founded in 1899). His tenure as director was 1901-1911.

Books citing BREUNING

Anonymous [Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaanse Spoorwegmaatschappij]. [c.1909]. In Memoriam N.Z.A.S.M. Amsterdam: JH De Bussy. pp 13, 83, 136

Bakker, Karel A, Clarke, Nicholas J. 2014. Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens : A shared Dutch built heritage in South Africa. Pretoria: Visual Books. pp 114

De Jong, RC, Van der Waal, GM. 1988. NZASM 100 : 1887-1899, the buildings, steam engines and structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company. Pretoria: C. Van Rensburg Publications on behalf of the Human Sciences Research Council. pp 63, 140

Van Winter, PJ. 1938. Onder Krugers Hollanders : Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij. Tweede Deel. Amsterdam: JH de Bussy. pp 152 n, 183.